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Upgrade Planning Guide

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Roadmap for Upgrading WebLogic Platform

This section provides roadmaps for upgrading to all releases of WebLogic Platform 8.1:


Before You Upgrade Your Systems

Note the following considerations regarding upgrading your installation:

Backing Up Applications and Domains

It is recommended that before installing the service pack you make backup copies of the following:

Note: Both Smart Update and the package upgrade installer create a backup file containing the media state of the current installation and information about files that were added during the upgrade. This backup file is used to restore system state if any errors occur during installation, and when you uninstall or roll back an upgrade installation. However, these tools do not back up any user-written applications, data, or custom domains.

Backing Up Node Manager Files

If you are using Node Manager to manage your servers in a clustered environment, you should back up the Node Manager directory and script before upgrading your installations. The names of the directory and script depend on your operating system:



Note: In these pathnames, WL_HOME represents the root directory of the WebLogic Platform installation, for example, c:\bea\weblogic81.

After you complete the upgrade installation, restore the Node Manager directory and script.

For more information about Node Manager, see "Overview of Node Manager" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server at:

Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method

Before upgrading applications, you must upgrade the WebLogic Platform 8.1 software. BEA provides two basic choices for upgrading the WebLogic Platform 8.1 software:

Note: If you plan to upgrade an installation of WebLogic Platform 8.1 to SP5 or SP6 on any supported Linux system that is running on a Pentium-based machine, and you are using BEA JRockit 1.4.2 SDK, you must upgrade the patch level of the Linux software before you can start the WebLogic Platform 8.1 upgrade process.

For more information about the specific patch levels required for each Linux system that is supported in WebLogic Platform 8.1, see Supported Configurations for WebLogic Platform 8.1 at the following URL:

Choosing an Upgrade Path for Your Applications to the Latest Service Pack

WebLogic Platform 8.1 provides two basic upgrade paths for moving your application environment—that is, domains, applications, and database schema—to the latest service pack:

The sections that follow describe each path, and explain when each path may be more appropriate.

Upgrading an Existing Domain to the Latest Service Pack

Using this method, you upgrade the applications and database schema in an existing domain to the latest service pack. If you choose this method, some WebLogic Platform components might require you to run scripts or perform specific tasks to upgrade your domain.

This upgrade path is typically appropriate in the following situations:

Creating a New Domain and Deploying Applications Into It

Using this method, you create a new domain that points to the upgraded WebLogic Platform installation, and deploy your existing applications into that domain. This method may also require additional steps; for example, upgrading your existing applications or database schema. However, using this method, you ensure that your domain is based on the latest domain template.

This upgrade path is typically appropriate in the following situations:


SDKs Bundled with WebLogic Platform 8.1

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 installation includes the following versions of the Java 2 SDKs:

Table 2-1 SDKs Included in the WebLogic Platform 8.1 Installation

WebLogic Platform 8.1 Version

SDK Included in Installation

Initial GA release

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.1_03

  • BEA WebLogic JRockit 8.1 SP1 SDK

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 installer for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i on PA-RISC systems includes the HP-UX SDK

Service Pack 2

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.1_05

  • BEA WebLogic JRockit SDK 1.4.1_05

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 installer for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i on PA-RISC systems includes the HP-UX SDK

Service Pack 3

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.2_04

  • BEA JRockit 1.4.2_04 SDK

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP3 installer for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i on PA-RISC systems includes the HP-UX SDK

Service Pack 4

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.2_05

  • BEA JRockit 1.4.2_05 SDK

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4 installer for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i on PA-RISC systems includes the HP-UX SDK

Service Pack 5

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.2_08

  • BEA JRockit 1.4.2_08 SDK

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 installer for HP-UX 11.0 and 11i on PA-RISC systems includes the HP-UX SDK

Service Pack 6

  • Sun Java 2 SDK 1.4.2_11

  • BEA JRockit 1.4.2_10 R26.3.0-32_CR283061 and all later 1.4.2 releases of JRockit

The WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP6 installer for HP-UX 11i and HP-UX 11i V2 on PA-RISC, and HP-UX 11i V2 on Itanium includes the HP JDK with Java HotSpotTM Server VM (32-bit).


After you have upgraded a domain, you must change the value of the JAVA_HOME variable so it points to the location of the newly installed SDK. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. In a text editor, open the script that sets the value of the JAVA_HOME variable. Depending on the type of domain you are upgrading, the script is named either setDomainEnv or startWebLogic, by default. It is located in the domain's root directory.
  2. Update the value of the JAVA_HOME variable. For example:
  3. For BEA JRockit:

    set JAVA_HOME=C:\bea\jrockit81sp6_142_10

    For Sun Java 2 SDK:

    set JAVA_HOME=C:\bea\jdk142_11

It is also recommended that you update your Workshop applications, application startup scripts, and silent configuration scripts to reference the new Sun or JRockit SDK directory. For information about updating your Workshop applications to use the new SDK, see WebLogic Workshop.

Notes: If you are upgrading a domain that includes WebLogic Integration, the WebLogic Integration domain upgrade script modifies the setDomainEnv script automatically. For information about running this script, see the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at the following URL:


Upgrading Silent Configuration Scripts

If you have an existing silent configuration script from SP2 or earlier that you wish to use with SP3 or later, and that script configures domains to use a nondefault database—that is, a database other than PointBase—you need to configure the following JDBC connection pools, which were introduced in SP3:

For a description of the default JDBC configuration introduced in 8.1 SP3, see "Default JDBC Configurations for WebLogic Platform" in Managing WebLogic Platform Database Resources at the following URL:


Upgrading WebLogic Server Plug-Ins

If you are using a Web server with your WebLogic Platform installation, it is important that you keep your Web server up to date to ensure you have all the latest security patches and support. Updated Web server plug-ins are included when you upgrade your WebLogic Server installation. Although it is not required, you may want to replace the Web server plug-ins installed with your Web server with the updated versions.

For details about installing the Web server plug-ins included with your WebLogic Platform installation, see Using Web Server Plug-Ins With WebLogic Server at the following URL:


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP6

This section includes the following topics about upgrading to SP6:

Summary of Required SP6 Upgrade Procedures for WebLogic Platform 8.1

This section includes the following information:

Upgrading WebLogic Platform Applications to SP6

Depending on the upgrade path appropriate for your WebLogic Platform environment—namely, depending on whether you are upgrading an existing domain, or creating a new domain and deploying your applications to it—we recommend the basic steps provided in the following sections to complete the SP6 upgrade process for applications that include WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal resources. Such applications typically are deployed in domains based on the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.

The following sections include:

If, after reading these sections, you need more information before starting the upgrade procedure, see FAQ for Upgrading WebLogic Platform.

If You Are Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Platform Domain

To upgrade an existing WebLogic Platform domain, complete the following procedure:

  1. If necessary, make sure the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain have been upgraded to at least SP4. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method. For example, if you want to upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software on a Windows system to SP6, you might choose to run Smart Update. For more information, see Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method.
  4. Make sure that all running instances of WebLogic Server are shut down.
  5. Complete the steps described in the following sections:

Upgrade the Domain's WebLogic Integration Resources

To upgrade the domain's WebLogic Integration resources, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are using PointBase as your database, start your PointBase server and follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 or SP5 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
  2. When your PointBase update is complete, go to the next step.

    Note: If your domain is configured with a database other than PointBase, make sure it is stopped before you proceed.

  3. Open a UNIX shell or Windows command prompt window, as appropriate.
  4. Set the ANT_OPTS environment variable on your machine to -Xmx256m, to ensure that Ant has enough memory available to complete the domain upgrade procedure. To set the ANT_OPTS variable, enter the command appropriate for your operating system:
  5. Windows:

    prompt> set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m


    prompt> setenv ANT_OPTS -Xmx256m

  6. Go to the following directory:
  7. WL_HOME/integration/upgrade

  8. Create an file that contains settings for your domain environment. The WL_HOME/integration/upgrade directory contains the file, which you can use as a template for creating this file.
  9. Define the properties shown in Table 2-5.

    Note: Use "/" as a file separator in directory paths.

    Table 2-3 Values You Specify in the File 

    Set the following property...

    To the following values...


    Service pack level of the domain being upgraded:

    • If you are upgrading from SP4, specify current.version=sp4.

    • If you are upgrading from SP5, specify current.version=sp5.


    Absolute path of the directory containing the domain to be upgraded. For example:



    Absolute path of the BEA Home directory in which the pre-upgraded WebLogic Integration 8.1 software is installed. For example:



    Absolute path of the BEA Home directory in which the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6 software is installed. For example:



    Default value of both.

    Note: If you specify the property os=unix, substitutions may be skipped when executing the upgrade Ant script target, as described in the steps that follow this table. Therefore, we recommend that you use the default property os=both; this ensures that all paths are properly upgraded.

    If you choose run the upgrade script using the os=unix property, you should run the update_paths target manually.


    Name of the directory in which the pre-upgrade WebLogic Integration 8.1 software is installed. The default is weblogic81.


    Name of the directory in which the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6 software is installed. The default is weblogic81.


    Value of true for all supported databases, except PointBase. If your domain is configured with PointBase, set this property to false.


    Value of false, which is the default value in the file. For HP-UX platforms, however, this property must be set to true.

  10. Go to the root directory of the domain you are upgrading. For example:
  11. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain

  12. Open the file in a text editor and change the absolute paths to relative paths in the definitions of the wlsHome.path and jdkHome.path variables.
  13. Return to the following directory:
  14. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

  15. Run the domain_upgrade.xml script to upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in your domain, using the following syntax:
  16. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade
    true|false -Ddb_type=your_db_vendor -Ddb_user=user_name
    password -Ddb_server=your_server:port

    In the preceding syntax:

    • your_options_file represents the file that you created in step 5.
    • If you are upgrading a single-node domain, set the -Dsingle.node parameter to true. If you are upgrading a clustered domain, set this parameter to false.
  17. If you are using PointBase, complete the following steps:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/pointbase

    3. Run one of the following WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:
    4. For upgrading SP4 to SP6:


      For upgrading SP5 to SP6:


  18. Remove the domain server's .wlnotdelete subdirectory and all its contents. This subdirectory, which contains the server's cache, is located in the domain's server directory. For example:
  19. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/examplesServer/.wlnotdelete

    Removing the .wlnotdelete subdirectory ensures that all domain upgrade changes become effective when the server is restarted.

For complete details about each of these steps, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 or SP5 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

Upgrade the Domain's WebLogic Portal Resources

To upgrade the domain's WebLogic Portal resources, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts in your domain as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  3. If you are upgrading from SP5 to SP6, skip to step 3. If you are upgrading from SP4 to SP6, your first step is to upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP4. To do so, complete the following procedure:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP5

    3. Complete the steps for your specific database provided in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in Upgrading to Service Pack 5 in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide.
    4. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of the file explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script:
      On Windows: upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP6.cmd
      On UNIX:

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  4. Upgrade the domain to use the new SP6 libraries and database modules, which may be appropriate if you want to preserve a highly customized domain, including LDAP setup. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP6

    3. Run the WebLogic Portal database update script, pf_update_system_data.sql.
    4. Make a backup copy of the upgraded database.

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Portal Framework Data" in in "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  5. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. When upgrading applications that are stored as EAR files, you must manually update the encryption.
    2. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP6. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by choosing Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    3. In WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    4. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. Workshop prompts you to indicate whether you want to overwrite files with SP6 versions. Click OK.
    5. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box prompts you to select Web projects in the application that you want to have updated.

    6. Select the Web projects for which you want to have the libraries updated, and click OK.

For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Redeploy the Upgraded Application

The final upgrade step is to redeploy the application on your server.

For deployment instructions, see the following documents:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP6 domain upgrade procedure.

If You Are Creating a New Domain and Deploying Your Applications to It

To create a new WebLogic Platform domain and deploy your existing applications to it, complete the following procedure:

  1. If you are upgrading from SP4, make sure that all existing WebLogic Integration resources have been fully upgraded to SP4. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. For more information, see Backing Up Applications and Domains.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method, such as Smart Update, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP6. For more information, see Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method.
  4. Use the Configuration Wizard and the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template to create a new domain.
  5. Make sure that all running instances of WebLogic Server are shut down.
  6. Complete the steps described in the following sections:

Upgrade the WebLogic Integration Resources for Your New Domain

To upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources used by your application in the new domain, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are using PointBase as your database, start the PointBase server and follow the procedure provided in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 or SP5 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
  2. If your domain is configured with a database other than PointBase, make sure it is stopped before you proceed.
  3. Go to the following directory:
  4. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/db_directory

    Here db_directory represents the name of the database directory configured for your domain, such as sybase.

  5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:
  6. For upgrading SP4 to SP6:


    For upgrading SP5 to SP6:


For complete details, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 or SP5 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

Upgrading the WebLogic Portal Resources for Your New Domain

To upgrade the WebLogic Portal resources used by your application in the new domain, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  3. If you are upgrading from SP5 to SP6, skip to step 3. If you are upgrading from SP4 to SP6, your first step is to upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP5. To do so, complete the following procedure:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP5

    3. Complete the steps for your specific database as provided in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in Upgrading to Service Pack 5 in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide.
    4. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of the file explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script:
      On Windows: upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP5.cmd
      On UNIX:

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  4. Upgrade the domain to use the new SP6 libraries and database modules, which may be appropriate if you want to preserve a highly customized domain, including LDAP setup. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP6

    3. Run the WebLogic Portal database update script, pf_update_system_data.sql.
    4. Make a backup copy of the upgraded database.
  5. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. If you are using a third-party content management system, re-configure that repository before deploying it. This allows the passwords to be re-encrypted for the new domain.
    2. Re-encrypt any passwords that are used to access WSRP portlets. Encryption is domain-specific so it needs to be updated when switching domains. Also, when upgrading applications that are stored as EAR files, you must manually update the encryption.
    3. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP6. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by choosing Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    4. In WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    5. In the Application window, right-click the name of the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. Workshop prompts you to indicate whether you want to overwrite the existing files with SP6 versions. Click OK.)
    6. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box prompts you to select Web projects in the application that you want to have updated.

    7. Select the Web projects for which you want to have libraries updated, and click OK.
    8. Restart the server.

For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 6" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Redeploy the Upgraded Application

The final upgrade step is to redeploy the application on your server.

For deployment instructions, see the following documents:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP6 upgrade procedure.


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5

This section includes the following topics about upgrading to SP5:

Summary of Required SP5 Upgrade Procedures for WebLogic Platform 8.1

This section includes the following information:

Upgrading WebLogic Platform Applications to SP5

Depending on the upgrade path appropriate for your WebLogic Platform environment—namely, depending on whether you are upgrading an existing domain, or creating a new domain and deploying your applications to it—we recommend the basic steps provided in the following sections to complete the SP5 upgrade process for applications that include WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal resources. Such applications typically are deployed in domains based on the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.

The following sections include:

If, after reading these sections, you need more information before starting the upgrade procedure, see FAQ for Upgrading WebLogic Platform.

If You Are Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Platform Domain

To upgrade an existing WebLogic Platform domain, complete the following procedure:

  1. If necessary, make sure the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain have been upgraded to at least SP3. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP3.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method. For example, if you want to upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software on a Windows system to SP5, you might choose to run Smart Update. For more information, see Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method.
  4. Make sure that all running instances of WebLogic Server are shut down.
  5. Complete the steps described in the following sections:

Upgrade the Domain's WebLogic Integration Resources

To upgrade the domain's WebLogic Integration resources, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are using PointBase as your database, start your PointBase server and follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
  2. When your PointBase update is complete, go to the next step.

    Note: If your domain is configured with a database other than PointBase, make sure it is stopped before you proceed.

  3. Open a UNIX shell or Windows command prompt window, as appropriate.
  4. Set the ANT_OPTS environment variable on your machine to -Xmx256m, to ensure that Ant has enough memory available to complete the domain upgrade procedure. To set the ANT_OPTS variable, enter the command appropriate for your operating system:
  5. Windows:

    prompt> set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m


    prompt> setenv ANT_OPTS -Xmx256m

  6. Go to the following directory:
  7. WL_HOME/integration/upgrade

  8. Create an file that contains settings for your domain environment. The WL_HOME/integration/upgrade directory contains the file, which you can use as a template for creating this file.
  9. Define the properties shown in Table 2-5.

    Note: Use "/" as a file separator in directory paths.

    Table 2-5 Values You Specify in the File 

    Set the following property...

    To the following values...


    Service pack level of the domain being upgraded:

    • If you are upgrading from SP3, specify current.version=sp3.

    • If you are upgrading from SP4, specify current.version=sp4.


    Absolute path of the directory containing the domain to be upgraded. For example:



    Absolute path of the BEA Home directory in which the pre-upgraded WebLogic Integration 8.1 software is installed. For example:



    Absolute path of the BEA Home directory in which the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 software is installed. For example:



    Default value of both.

    Note: If you specify the property os=unix, substitutions may be skipped when executing the upgrade Ant script target, as described in the steps that follow this table. Therefore, we recommend that you use the default property os=both; this ensures that all paths are properly upgraded.

    If you choose run the upgrade script using the os=unix property, you should run the update_paths target manually.


    Name of the directory in which the pre-upgrade WebLogic Integration 8.1 software is installed. The default is weblogic81.


    Name of the directory in which the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 software is installed. The default is weblogic81.


    Value of true for all supported databases, except PointBase. If your domain is configured with PointBase, set this property to false.


    Value of false, which is the default value in the file. For HP-UX platforms, however, this property must be set to true.

  10. Go to the root directory of the domain you are upgrading. For example:
  11. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain

  12. Open the file in a text editor and change the absolute paths to relative paths in the definitions of the wlsHome.path and jdkHome.path variables.
  13. Return to the following directory:
  14. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

  15. Run the domain_upgrade.xml script to upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in your domain, using the following syntax:
  16. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade
    true|false -Ddb_type=your_db_vendor -Ddb_user=user_name
    password -Ddb_server=your_server:port

    In the preceding syntax:

    • your_options_file represents the file that you created in step 5.
    • If you are upgrading a single-node domain, set the -Dsingle.node parameter to true. If you are upgrading a clustered domain, set this parameter to false.
  17. If you are using PointBase, complete the following steps:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/pointbase

    3. Run one of the following WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:
    4. For upgrading SP3 to SP5:


      For upgrading SP4 to SP5:


  18. Remove the domain server's .wlnotdelete subdirectory and all its contents. This subdirectory, which contains the server's cache, is located in the domain's server directory. For example:
  19. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/mydomain/examplesServer/.wlnotdelete

    Removing the .wlnotdelete subdirectory ensures that all domain upgrade changes become effective when the server is restarted.

For complete details about each of these steps, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

Upgrade the Domain's WebLogic Portal Resources

To upgrade the domain's WebLogic Portal resources, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts in your domain as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  3. If you are upgrading from SP4 to SP5, skip to step 3. If you are upgrading from SP3 to SP5, your first step is to upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP4. To do so, complete the following procedure:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP4

    3. Complete the steps for your specific database provided in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in Upgrading to Service Pack 4 in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide.
    4. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of the file explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script:
      On Windows: upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP4.cmd
      On UNIX:

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  4. Upgrade the domain to use the new SP5 libraries and database modules, which may be appropriate if you want to preserve a highly customized domain, including LDAP setup. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP5

    3. Run the WebLogic Portal database update script, pf_update_system_data.sql.
    4. Make a backup copy of the upgraded database.

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Portal Framework Data" in in "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  5. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. When upgrading applications that are stored as EAR files, you must manually update the encryption.
    2. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP5. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by choosing Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    3. In WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    4. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. Workshop prompts you to indicate whether you want to overwrite files with SP5 versions. Click OK.
    5. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box prompts you to select Web projects in the application that you want to have updated.

    6. Select the Web projects for which you want to have the libraries updated, and click OK.

For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Redeploy the Upgraded Application

The final upgrade step is to redeploy the application on your server.

For deployment instructions, see the following documents:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP5 domain upgrade procedure.

If You Are Creating a New Domain and Deploying Your Applications to It

To create a new WebLogic Platform domain and deploy your existing applications to it, complete the following procedure:

  1. If you are upgrading from SP3, make sure that all existing WebLogic Integration resources have been fully upgraded to SP3. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP3.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. For more information, see Backing Up Applications and Domains.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method, such as Smart Update, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP5. For more information, see Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method.
  4. Use the Configuration Wizard and the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template to create a new domain.
  5. Make sure that all running instances of WebLogic Server are shut down.
  6. Complete the steps described in the following sections:

Upgrade the WebLogic Integration Resources for Your New Domain

To upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources used by your application in the new domain, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are using PointBase as your database, start the PointBase server and follow the procedure provided in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
  2. If your domain is configured with a database other than PointBase, make sure it is stopped before you proceed.
  3. Go to the following directory:
  4. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/db_directory

    Here db_directory represents the name of the database directory configured for your domain, such as sybase.

  5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:
  6. For upgrading SP3 to SP5:


    For upgrading SP4 to SP5:


For complete details, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

Upgrading the WebLogic Portal Resources for Your New Domain

To upgrade the WebLogic Portal resources used by your application in the new domain, complete the following steps:

  1. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  3. If you are upgrading from SP4 to SP5, skip to step 3. If you are upgrading from SP3 to SP5, your first step is to upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP4. To do so, complete the following procedure:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP4

    3. Complete the steps for your specific database as provided in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in Upgrading to Service Pack 4 in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide.
    4. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of the file explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    5. Run the appropriate WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script:
      On Windows: upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP4.cmd
      On UNIX:

    For complete details about each of these steps, see "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  4. Upgrade the domain to use the new SP5 libraries and database modules, which may be appropriate if you want to preserve a highly customized domain, including LDAP setup. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP5

    3. Run the WebLogic Portal database update script, pf_update_system_data.sql.
    4. Make a backup copy of the upgraded database.
  5. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. If you are using a third-party content management system, re-configure that repository before deploying it. This allows the passwords to be re-encrypted for the new domain.
    2. Re-encrypt any passwords that are used to access WSRP portlets. Encryption is domain-specific so it needs to be updated when switching domains. Also, when upgrading applications that are stored as EAR files, you must manually update the encryption.
    3. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP5. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by choosing Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    4. In WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    5. In the Application window, right-click the name of the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. Workshop prompts you to indicate whether you want to overwrite the existing files with SP5 versions. Click OK.)
    6. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box prompts you to select Web projects in the application that you want to have updated.

    7. Select the Web projects for which you want to have libraries updated, and click OK.
    8. Restart the server.

For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Redeploy the Upgraded Application

The final upgrade step is to redeploy the application on your server.

For deployment instructions, see the following documents:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP5 upgrade procedure.


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4

This section includes the following topics about upgrading to SP4:

Summary of Required SP4 Upgrade Procedures for WebLogic Platform 8.1

This section includes the following information:

Upgrading WebLogic Platform Applications to SP4

Depending on the upgrade path appropriate for your WebLogic Platform environment—namely, upgrading an existing domain, or creating a new domain and deploying your applications to it—we recommend the basic steps provided in the following subsections to complete the SP4 upgrade process for applications that include WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal resources. Such applications typically are deployed in domains that have been created based on the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.

These subsections include:

After you finish reading these subsections, we recommend that you see FAQ for Upgrading WebLogic Platform, for more information before beginning the upgrade process.

If You Are Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Platform Domain

If you have chosen to upgrade an existing WebLogic Platform domain, perform the following steps to complete the update process:

  1. If necessary, make sure the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain have been upgraded to SP2. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method. For example, if you are using Smart Update on Windows systems, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP4. See Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method for more information.
  4. Upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. If you are using PointBase as your database, follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "See "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 and SP3 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
    2. After you have upgraded your PointBase database, proceed with the following steps.

    3. Go to the following directory:
    4. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    5. Create an file, which sets your domain environment. The preceding directory contains the file, which you can use as a template for creating this file.
    6. If you are upgrading from SP2, open the file in a text editor and make the following edits:

      First, change the line current.version=sp3 to current.version=sp2.

      Second, if you are using PointBase, change the line db_upgrade=true to db_upgrade=false.

    7. Go to the root directory of the domain you are upgrading; for example:
    8. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain

    9. Edit the file to change the paths of the wlsHome.path and jdkHome.path variables from relative paths to absolute paths.
    10. Return to the following directory:
    11. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    12. Run the domain_upgrade.xml script to upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in your domain, using the following syntax:
    13. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade
      -Dsingle.node=true -Ddb_type=
      your_db_vendor -Ddb_user=user_name
      password -Ddb_server=your_server:port

    14. If you are using PointBase, complete the following steps:
    15. Go to the following directory:


      Run one of the following WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:

      For upgrading SP2 to SP4:


      For upgrading SP3 to SP4:


      For complete details about each of these steps, see "See "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 and SP3 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

  5. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  7. If you are upgrading from SP2 to SP4, complete the following steps to first upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP3. Otherwise go to step 7.
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP3

    3. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    5. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    6. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
  8. Upgrade the WebLogic Portal database schema in the domain to SP4. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP4

    3. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    5. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    6. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP4.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
  9. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP4. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by selecting Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    2. From WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    3. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. (Upon execution, Workshop prompts you whether you want to overwrite these files with their new SP4 versions. Click OK.)
    4. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box appears that lets you select Web projects in the application to update.

    5. Select the Web projects whose libraries you want to update, and click OK.
    6. Restart the server.
    7. Redeploy the upgraded applications.

    For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP4 domain upgrade procedure.

Note: BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic is not yet available for use with WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4. For Platform domains that include Liquid Data, BEA recommends that you continue to use WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP3 until Liquid Data for WebLogic is available for use with WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP4.

If You Are Creating a New Domain and Deploying Your Applications to It

If you have chosen to create a new WebLogic Platform domain, perform the following steps to complete the update process:

  1. If you are upgrading from SP2, make sure existing WebLogic Integration resources have been fully upgraded to SP2. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method, such as using Smart Update, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP4. See Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method for more information.
  4. Use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain using the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.
  5. Upgrade the existing WebLogic Integration resources for your new domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. If you are using PointBase as your database, follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 and SP3 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at
    2. Go to the following directory, where db_directory represents the name of the database directory configured for your domain, such as sybase.
    3. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/db_directory

    4. Run one of the following WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade scripts, as appropriate:
    5. For upgrading SP2 to SP4:


      For upgrading SP3 to SP4:


    6. From WebLogic Workshop, redeploy your existing WebLogic Integration application into the new domain.

    For complete details, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 and SP3 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4" in the WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide at

  6. If you are doing a complete, new installation as part of your upgrade, update the WebLogic Portal scripts as necessary, as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

  8. If you are upgrading from SP2 to SP4, complete the following steps to first upgrade the existing WebLogic Portal database schema to SP3. Otherwise go to step 8.
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP3

    3. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    5. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    6. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
  9. Upgrade the existing WebLogic Portal database schema for your new domain to SP4. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP4

    3. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    5. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    6. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script, upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP4.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
  10. Upgrade your WebLogic Portal applications in the domain by completing the following steps:
    1. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP4. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by selecting Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    2. From WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application you want to update.
    3. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. (Upon execution, Workshop prompts you to overwrite these files with their new SP4 versions. Click OK.)
    4. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box appears that lets you select Web projects in the application to update.

    5. Select the Web projects for which you want libraries updated, and click OK.
    6. Restart the server.
    7. Redeploy the upgraded applications.

    For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 4" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP4 upgrade procedure.


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP3

This section includes the following topics about upgrading to SP3:

Summary of Required SP3 Upgrade Procedures for WebLogic Platform 8.1

This section includes the following information:

Upgrading WebLogic Platform Applications to SP3

Depending on the upgrade path appropriate for your WebLogic Platform environment—namely, upgrading an existing domain, or creating a new domain and deploying your applications to it—we recommend the basic steps provided in the following subsections to complete the SP3 upgrade process for applications that include WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal resources. Such applications typically are deployed in domains that have been created based on the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.

These subsections include:

After you finish reading these subsections, we recommend that you see FAQ for Upgrading WebLogic Platform, for more information before beginning the upgrade process.

If You Are Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Platform Domain

If you have chosen to upgrade an existing WebLogic Platform domain, perform the following steps to complete the update process:

  1. Make sure the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain have been upgraded to SP2. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method. For example, if you are using Smart Update on Windows systems, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP3. See Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method for more information.
  4. Upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in the domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Obtain the WebLogic Integration Release Notes for version 8.1, Service Pack 3. This document is available in PDF format in a ZIP file. To download this document, locate the "Download PDF Documentation for Previous Releases of WebLogic Integration 8.1" page, available at the following URL:

      Click "All WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 Documents." This downloads a ZIP file containing PDF files for all the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 documentation. Open the file relnotes.pdf. Refer to the section "Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3" for details on the instructions that follow for upgrading WebLogic Integration.

    3. If you are using PointBase as your database, follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3" in the preceding document.
    4. Change to the following directory:
    5. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    6. Create an file, which sets your domain environment. The preceding directory contains the file, which you can use as a template for creating this file.
    7. If you are using PointBase, open the file in a text editor, and change the line db_upgrade=true to db_upgrade=false.
    8. Change to the root directory of the domain you are upgrading; for example:
    9. BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain

    10. Edit the file to change the paths of the wlsHome.path and jdkHome.path variables from relative paths to absolute paths.
    11. Change back to the following directory:
    12. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    13. Run the domain_upgrade.xml script to upgrade the WebLogic Integration resources in your domain, using the following syntax:
    14. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade
      -Dsingle.node=true -Ddb_type=
      your_db_vendor -Ddb_user=user_name
      password -Ddb_server=your_server:port

    15. If you are using PointBase, complete the following steps:
    16. Change to the following directory:


      Run the following WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade script:


  5. Upgrade the WebLogic Portal resources in the domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Update scripts if necessary as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    3. Change to the following directory:
    4. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP3

    5. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    7. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    8. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script, upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
    9. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP3. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by selecting Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    10. From WebLogic Workshop, upgrade any existing WebLogic Portal applications. To do this, open the portal application you want to update. Then, in the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. (Upon execution, Workshop prompts you whether you want to overwrite these files with their new SP3 versions. Click OK.)
    11. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box appears that lets you select Web projects in the application to update. Select the Web projects whose libraries you want to update, and click OK.
    12. Restart the server.
    13. Redeploy the upgraded applications.

    For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP3 domain upgrade procedure.

Note: To upgrade a platform domain to SP3 that includes BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic, you must first uninstall Liquid Data, upgrade the domain to SP3, then re-install Liquid Data. (Note that platform SP3 domains support only Liquid Data for WebLogic 8.1 SP3.)

If You Are Creating a New Domain and Deploying Your Applications to It

If you have chosen to create a new WebLogic Platform domain, perform the following steps to complete the update process:

  1. Make sure existing WebLogic Integration resources have been upgraded to SP2. For more information, see Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2.
  2. Back up your applications, database schema, other application data, and domain. See Backing Up Applications and Domains for more information.
  3. Choose an upgrade installation method, such as using Smart Update, and upgrade your WebLogic Platform 8.1 software to SP3. See Choosing an Upgrade Installation Method for more information.
  4. Use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain using the Basic WebLogic Platform Domain template.
  5. Upgrade the existing WebLogic Integration resources for your new domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Obtain the document WebLogic Integration Release Notes for version 8.1, Service Pack 3. This document is available in PDF format in a ZIP file. To download this document, locate the "Download PDF Documentation for Previous Releases of WebLogic Integration 8.1" page, available at the following URL:

      Click "All WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 Documents." This downloads a ZIP file containing PDF files for all the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 documentation. Open the file relnotes.pdf. Refer to the section "Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3" for details on the instructions that follow for upgrading WebLogic Integration.

    3. If you are using PointBase as your database, follow the procedure described in "Upgrading PointBase" in "Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3" in the preceding document.
    4. Change to the following directory, where db_directory represents the name of your database directory configured for your domain; for example, sybase.
    5. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/integration/dbscripts/db_directory

    6. Run the WebLogic Integration database schema upgrade script upgrade_runtime_sp2_sp3.sql.
    7. From WebLogic Workshop, redeploy your existing WebLogic Integration application into the new domain.
  6. Upgrade the existing WebLogic Portal resources for your new domain. The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required:
    1. Update scripts if necessary as explained in "WebLogic Portal Full Installer" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    3. Change to the following directory:
    4. BEA_HOME/weblogic81/weblogic81/portal/upgrade/SP3

    5. Complete the procedures explained in "Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema" in "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

    7. Update the file with your 8.1 database settings. (The instructions at the beginning of explain the specific settings that you need to make.)
    8. Run the WebLogic Portal database schema upgrade script, upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX).
    9. Start WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP3. If the server is running, shut it down in Workshop by selecting Tools—>  WebLogic Server—>  Stop WebLogic Server.
    10. From WebLogic Workshop, upgrade any existing WebLogic Portal applications. To do this, open the portal application you want to update. Then, in the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>  Update Portal Libraries. (Upon execution, Workshop prompts you whether you want to overwrite these files with their new SP3 versions. Click OK.)
    11. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box appears that lets you select Web projects in the application to update. Select the Web projects whose libraries you want to update, and click OK.
    12. Restart the server.
    13. Redeploy the upgraded applications.

    For complete details about upgrading WebLogic Portal resources and applications in an existing domain, see "Upgrading to Service Pack 3" in the WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at the following URL:

Congratulations! You have completed the SP3 upgrade procedure.


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2

The following table provides a roadmap for upgrading WebLogic Platform component-based applications to version 8.1 SP2. When upgrading to SP2, note the following:


Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1

The following table provides a roadmap for upgrading WebLogic Platform component-based applications to version 8.1.

Table 2-9 Roadmap for Upgrading to WebLogic Platform 8.1 

To upgrade applications built using...

From version...


WebLogic Platform



Note: The only upgrade procedures required for WebLogic Platform applications are at the component level. See the appropriate component-level information elsewhere in this table.

WebLogic Server

5.1, 6.x, or 7.0

BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide at

Also learn about:

WebLogic Workshop


"Upgrading Workshop Applications: in the WebLogic Workshop Help at

Also learn about:

WebLogic Portal

7.0 SP2

WebLogic Portal 8.1 Upgrade Guide at

Learn about:

WebLogic Integration

2.1 SP2, 7.0 SP2

WebLogic Integration 8.1 Upgrade Guide at

Note: The Upgrade Utility for WebLogic Integration 8.1 is available on dev2dev at

WebLogic JRockit


N/A. There is no required upgrade procedure.



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