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Provide Common Attribute Changes

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Use this page to specify attribute values to be changed globally in all the new cloned master data entries.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Master Data Type

Master data type of these cloned master data entries.

Select Attribute

Attributes that are defined for this type of master data entry. Select an attribute from this list to add it to the table below, where you can edit the attribute value to change it in all cloned entries.

Column Display

Name Description
Attribute Name

The attribute whose value will be changed in all cloned master data entries of this master data type.

New Value (Default= Attribute value of first entry)

Value that will be used to replace existing values for this attribute in all cloned entries. By default, a value is provided that is based on the value of this attribute in the entry that was cloned.


Name Description

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This is just inactive button. User has to go to Review stage in order to finish cloning


Cancel cloning operation


Delete selected search replace attributes

Related Tasks

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