Query Subscription Administration Console Online Help

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Provide subscription destination information.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Subscription ID

The ID that identifies a query subscription.

Destination Type

The destination type.

Supported destination types are:

  • AS2: Applicability Statement 2 is a specification for exchanging data between businesses using HTTP or HTTPS. You supply the name of the AS2 partner that will receive the query results.
  • Console: Send query results to the console. You enter the text which will be used as the heading for the console output.
  • File: Send query results to a file. You supply a valid file name (file:///).
  • HTTP: Send query results to an HTTP URL. You supply a valid URL (http://).
  • JMS: Send query results to a JMS topic or queue. You supply the required JMS and security information.
  • Other: Send query results to a Uniform Resource Identifier. You supply the URI.
Select AS2 Partner Name

The AS2 partner name.

The drop-down list contains the names of AS2 partners. You populate the list by typing the name of each AS2 partner in the Enter New AS2 Partner Name text box.

Enter New AS2 Partner Name

The name of a new AS2 partner.

If this Enterprise Server has been configured to support AS2, and if the name of the trading partner is not in the Select AS2 Partner Name drop-down list, use this text box to enter the name of the AS2 partner that will receive the results from this query subscription. You must understand your site's AS2 configuration in order to know the valid names for AS2 partners.

After typing the name in the Enter New AS2 Partner Name text box, click Next to proceed to the Schedule Controls page, or click Finish to subscribe this query. The next time you access the Destination page, the AS2 partner name will be in the drop-down list.


The text to use for the heading of the console output.

File Name

The file name for the output (specified as a URI).

The file name URI must be an absolute URI with a null authority; that is, a URI of the form file:///c1/c2/... where c1, c2, etc are pathname components.

When entering a filename, do not enter file:/// because the system prepends that string to whatever you enter. Therefore, if you enter /usr/results, file:////usr/results is stored. If you enter d:/reports, file:///d:/reports, is stored.

If the URI names a file that exists within the file system, reports are appended to this file.

If the URI names a directory that exists within the file system, each report is written to a different file created within that directory, where the filename for a given report is named subscriptionID-YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss.xml, where subscriptionID is the query subscription ID, and YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss is the timestamp.

If the URI does not name an existing file or directory, but the URI excluding the rightmost path component does name an existing directory, and the rightmost path component contains one or more pairs of parenthesis, (), characters, the following procedure is used to interpret the URI as a file pattern. Within the rightmost component of the path, text within parenthesis characters are treated as date/time format specifiers as defined by java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Such text is substituted using the timestamp of the reports. The resulting path is then interpreted as a filename. If the file does not exist, the file is created and the report written there. If the file does exist, the report is appended to that file. For example, if the URI is file:///mydir/report-(YYYY-MM-DD).xml, all reports written on September 15, 2006, will be appended to a file /mydir/report-2006-09-15.xml.


A valid HTTP URL (http://).

Enter the HTTP URL where query results will be sent. Use the following format:


For example:


If you do not specify a port_number, the subscription uses the default http port: 80.

JMS Type

The JMS destination type: Topic or Queue.

A JMS topic identifies a publish/subscribe destination type for a JMS server. Topics are used for asynchronous peer communications. A message delivered to a topic is distributed to all consumers that are subscribed to that topic.

A JMS queue defines a point-to-point destination type for a JMS server. A message delivered to a queue is distributed to a single consumer.

Topic or Queue Name

The name of the JMS topic or queue.

Enter the name of the topic that the JMS notification driver will publish to, or the name of the queue that the JMS notification driver will add to. The topic or queue name entered must exist in the JMS server.

Connection Factory

The JNDI name of the JMS connection factory (from the JMS server).

Connection factories are resources that enable JMS clients to create JMS connections. Use a topic connection factory name when you publish to a topic. Use a queue connection factory name when you add to a queue.

WebLogic Server defines two default connection factories, which can be looked up using the following JNDI names:

  • weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory
  • weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory (the XA Connection Factory Enabled attribute is switched on for enabling JTA user-transactions)
Provider URL

The URL for the JNDI Naming Service.

The DNS host name and service port number of the machine that is running the JNDI service. For example:

  • t3://hostname:port_number
  • http://hostname:port_number

If you do not supply a provider URL, the local JNDI service provider is used. If you enter a provider URL, specify the protocol, hostname, and port number.

Naming Service Properties

Naming service properties for JNDI lookups (specified as name=value).

These properties are added to the javax.naming.Context environment when one is constructed, in order to access a naming service to perform the necessary JNDI lookups.

  • name is the naming service property name.
  • value is the string value associated with name.

You can enter multiple name/value properties. Use space, tab, or newline characters as separators.

JMS Message Properties

JMS message properties (specified as name=value).

These properties are applied to the javax.jms.TextMessage message as String properties.

  • name is the text message property name.
  • value is the string value.

You can enter multiple name/value properties. Use space, tab, or newline characters as separators.


The destination URI.

The Other destination gives you the ability to provide any URI (not just a URL) as a destination.

Unsubscribe after report delivery failed number of times

Unsubscribe after report delivery failed number of times.

You can configure a subscription to stop attempting to send results (reports) after a specified number of failed attempts. Specify the number of allowed failures as a positive integer in the following range: 1 to 2147483647.


Name Description

Return to the previous screen.


Proceed to the next screen.


Finish and subscribe the current query.


Cancel the current operation.

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