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Installing BEA SNMP Agent on a Windows System


The following sections describe how to install and uninstall the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 or 2.1.1 software on a Windows system:


Before You Start

The Windows installation program is a graphics-based method of installing the BEA SNMP Agent software on a Windows system. The installation program is based on the Windows InstallShield utility.

For a BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 installation, at least one Tuxedo (7.1, 6.5, 6.4) or WebLogic Enterprise (5.1, 4.2) system installation must exist on the host Windows system. Otherwise, the installation program will display an error message and quit.

For a BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 installation, a Tuxedo 8.0 system installation must exist on the host Windows system. Otherwise, the installation program will display an error message and quit.


Installing BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 on a Windows System

Installing the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 software on a Windows system consists of the following two procedures:

  1. Starting the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 installation on a Windows system

  2. Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 installation on a Windows system

Installing the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 software requires a license. You acquire a license for BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 in one of two ways: from the BEA Web site when you download an evaluation copy of the BEA SNMP Agent product or via e-mail when you buy the BEA SNMP Agent product. A license is packaged in a file named lic.txt.

Starting the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 Installation on a Windows System

To start the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 installation process on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Windows system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in System Requirements for BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.

  2. Log in to the Windows system as the Administrator or as a member of the Administrator group.

    You need administrative privileges to install BEA SNMP Agent components on a Windows system.

  3. If installing BEA SNMP Agent by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 installation file specific to your platform, including the 30-day evaluation license file needed to complete the BEA SNMP Agent installation.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation file and unzip the installation file in the current directory.

    3. Go to the resulting snmp_agent directory in the current directory and double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.

  4. If installing BEA SNMP Agent from the product software CD:

    1. Obtain a license file for BEA SNMP Agent by calling or e-mailing BEA Customer Support. For contact information, see Web Distribution.

    2. When you receive your license file, copy it to a convenient location on the host Windows system. You need this license to complete the BEA SNMP Agent installation.

    3. Exit all Windows programs.

    4. Insert the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 product software CD into the CD-ROM drive. The Windows autorun feature automatically starts the installation. (To bypass the autorun feature, press and hold the Shift key for approximately 10 seconds while inserting the CD into the CD-ROM drive. You can then run the Setup.exe file in the inwnt40 directory—or in any inwnt40 subdirectory, for example, inwnt40\tux-7.1—of the mounted CD.)

  5. Proceed to Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 Installation on a Windows System that follows.

Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 Installation on a Windows System

The Windows installation program for BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 scans your hard disk looking for at least one Tuxedo (7.1, 6.5, 6.4) or WebLogic Enterprise (5.1, 4.2) system installation. If no installation is found, the installation program displays an error message and quits.

If at least one installation is found, the installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .

Perform the following action . . .

Select Components

If one or more versions of Tuxedo (7.1, 6.5, 6.4) and/or WLE (5.1, 4.2) system installations are found on the host Windows system, the installation program lists those versions in the Select Components window:

If the Select Components window appears, select the BEA SNMP Agent package that you want to install and then click Next to proceed with the installation. If only one version of a Tuxedo or WLE system installation is found on the host Windows system, the Select Components window does not appear.


Click the Next button to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.

Software License Agreement

Read the BEA SNMP Agent Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by clicking Yes. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement.

Choose Destination Location

Specify the folder, or directory, in which you want to install the BEA SNMP Agent software. Select the default installation folder (recommended) or create a new installation folder. If you choose to create a new folder, the installer program automatically creates the folder for you.

Choose an installation folder and then click Next to continue with the installation.

Question: Do you wish to install the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 services?

Click Yes to start the BEA SNMP Agent software installation.

The installation program proceeds to extract, uncompress, and install the BEA SNMP Agent files. It installs BEA SNMP Agent as two Windows services: the snmp_integrator, which is the name of the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator executable, and one of the following SNMP agent names based on which version of Tuxedo or WLE is installed on the host Windows system, or which version you chose previously in the Select Components window:






You can check to make sure that these services are registered as Windows services. Select Start—>Settings—>Control Panel—>Services (or Start—>Programs—>Administrative Tools—>Services on a Windows 2000 system) to launch the Services window and scroll the list of services until you find these two on the list.

Note: The actual names of the SNMP agent executables installed in the installation_directory/bin directory are tux_snmpd for the Tuxedo SNMP agent executable, and wle_snmpd for the WLE SNMP agent executable.

Note: Do not attempt to install BEA SNMP Agent manually as two Windows services, or attempt to run BEA SNMP Agent from its executable files (snmp_integrator, tux_snmpd, wle_snmpd). The result is unpredictable and thus not recommended.

Question: Would you like to install your license now?

Click Yes to install the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 product license now. Selecting Yes launches the Insert License Disk browser window.

Insert License Disk browser

Read the following important information, specify the location of the BEA SNMP Agent license file (lic.txt) on your machine, and then click OK to continue.


Click OK to acknowledge that the BEA SNMP Agent license file has been installed successfully.

Setup Complete

Click OK to acknowledge that the BEA SNMP Agent software has been installed successfully.


Congratulations! Your installation of the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 software is complete! For information on configuring and starting SNMP agents and the optional BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, see the BEA SNMP Agent Administration Guide.

If you want to run multiple instances of the SNMP agent to manage multiple Tuxedo or WLE domains, use the instsrv command to install additional Windows services for the additional agents. For details, see "Setting Up BEA SNMP Agent on a Managed Node" in the BEA SNMP Agent Administration Guide.


Installing BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 on a Windows System

Installing the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 software on a Windows system consists of the following two procedures:

  1. Starting the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 installation on a Windows system

  2. Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 installation on a Windows system

Installing the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 software does not require a BEA SNMP Agent product license. The only license required is a valid BEA Tuxedo 8.0 license on the host machine.

Starting the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 Installation on a Windows System

To start the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 installation process on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Windows system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in System Requirements for BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1.

  2. Log in to the Windows system as the Administrator or as a member of the Administrator group.

    You need administrative privileges to install BEA SNMP Agent components on a Windows system.

  3. Go to and download the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 installation file specific to your platform.

  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation file and unzip the installation file in the current directory.

  5. Go to the resulting snmp_agent directory in the current directory and double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.

  6. Proceed to Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 Installation on a Windows System that follows.

Running the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 Installation on a Windows System

The Windows installation program for BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 scans your hard disk looking for a Tuxedo 8.0 system installation. If no installation is found, the installation program displays an error message and quits.

If a Tuxedo 8.0 installation is found, the installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .

Perform the following action . . .


Click the Next button to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.

Software License Agreement

Read the BEA SNMP Agent Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement.

Choose Destination Location

Specify the folder, or directory, in which you want to install the BEA SNMP Agent software. Select the default installation folder (recommended) or create a new installation folder. If you choose to create a new folder, the installer program automatically creates the folder for you.

Choose an installation folder and then click Next to continue with the installation.

Question: Do you wish to install the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 services?

Click Yes to start the BEA SNMP Agent software installation.

The installation program proceeds to extract, uncompress, and install the BEA SNMP Agent files. It installs BEA SNMP Agent as two Windows services: the snmp_integrator, which is the name of the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator executable, and the following Tuxedo SNMP agent name: tux8_snmpd.

You can check to make sure that these services are registered as Windows services. Select Start—>Settings—>Control Panel—>Services (or Start—>Programs—>Administrative Tools—>Services on a Windows 2000 system) to launch the Services window and scroll the list of services until you find these two on the list.

Note: The actual name of the Tuxedo SNMP agent executable installed in the installation_directory/bin directory is tux_snmpd.

Note: Do not attempt to install BEA SNMP Agent manually as two Windows services, or attempt to run BEA SNMP Agent from its executable files (snmp_integrator, tux_snmpd). The result is unpredictable and thus not recommended.

Setup Complete

Click OK to acknowledge that the BEA SNMP Agent software has been installed successfully.


Congratulations! Your installation of the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1.1 software is complete! For information on configuring and starting Tuxedo SNMP agents and the optional BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, see the BEA SNMP Agent Administration Guide.

If you want to run multiple instances of the Tuxedo SNMP agent to manage multiple Tuxedo 8.0 domains, use the instsrv command to install additional Windows services for the additional agents. For details, see "Setting Up BEA SNMP Agent on a Managed Node" in the BEA SNMP Agent Administration Guide.


Uninstalling BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 or 2.1.1 from a Windows System

To uninstall the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 or 2.1.1 software from a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start—>Settings—>Control Panel—>Add/Remove Programs to launch the Add/Remove Programs Properties window.

  2. In the Add/Remove Programs Properties window, select the Tuxedo or WLE version for which you want to uninstall BEA SNMP Agent and then click Add/Remove. A Confirm File Deletion window appears.

  3. In the Confirm File Deletion window, click Yes.

    While uninstalling the BEA SNMP Agent software, the Remove Programs From Your Computer window appears. Click OK when the uninstallation completes.

If you installed BEA SNMP Agent packages for more than one version of Tuxedo or WLE on the same machine, and one of those versions is then uninstalled, you must re-register snmp_integrator as a Windows service. To do so, open a command-line shell and enter the following command at the command prompt:

prompt> instsrv service-name [executable-file | remove]

For example, if one of your BEA SNMP Agent packages is installed in the C:\tux71 directory, the command is:

prompt> instsrv snmp_integrator c:\tux71\bin\snmp_integrator.exe


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