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Sample DMQ$INIT.TXT File


Listing A-1 is a sample of the MessageQ DMQ$INIT.TXT file that is used to customize the BEA MessageQ software.

Listing A-1 Sample BEA MessageQ DMQ$INIT.TXT File

* *
* MessageQ Initialization File *
* *
* The Version Section begins with %VERSION, and consists of a single line
* identifying the initialization file version. MQ V5.0 accepts init files
* with a version of 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0
* The Profile Section begins with %PROFILE, and contains lines defining the
* group-wide configurable limits. The values given below are examples, and
* do not represent "real" values.
%PROFILE ***** Profile Parameters *****
ACCEPT_KILL_CMD NO ! Control MONITOR terminate requests
ENABLE_XGROUP NO ! Enable MessageQ cross-group access
XGROUP_VERIFY NO ! Limit incoming cross-group connections
ENABLE_MRS YES ! Enable MessageQ Message Recovery Services
ENABLE_JRN NO ! Enable MessageQ Message Journaling Services
ENABLE_SBS YES ! Enable MessageQ Selective Broadcast Services
ENABLE_QXFER NO ! Enable MessageQ MRS Queue Transfer Services
FIRST_TEMP_QUEUE 200 ! Select start of temp queue pool (200-950)
XGROUP_TABLE_SIZE 25 ! Select max number of group entries (25-32000)
RCV_MSG_QUOTA_METHOD MAX ! Select rcv msg quota deduction (MIN | MAX)
ATTACH_TMO 600 ! Select PAMS_ATTACH_Q timeout (100-36000)
GROUP_MAX_USER_QUEUE 999 ! Maximum temp queue number (999-3999)
GROUP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 128000 ! Maximum number of bytes per message
*DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PATH /DMQNS/ ! Default namespace path for the Naming Agent
* The Xgroup Section begins with %XGROUP, and contains lines defining the
* cross group connections that will be established by this group. Each line
* defines a single cross-group connection. All parameters for a given
* connection must appear on the same line. A general explanation of each
* parameter is given below, followed by a an example cross group entry.
* GNAME - Name by which the remote MQ group is known to the local group.
* GNUMBER - MQ group number of the remote group.
* NODE - Name by which the remote node is known to the local node.
* INITIATE - "Y", "N", or "D" indicating whether connections to this node
* should be initiated (Y), not initiated (N), or disabled (D).
* A "Disabled" connection requires a link management command to
* enable connections to occur.
* THRESHOLD - Value for dynamic memory consumption at which congestion
* control will begin for this cross-group connection.
* (not used in VMS MQ V5.0)
* BUFFER - Maximum number of Kbytes that can be written to this link.
* POOL This should exceed GROUP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE.
* RECONNECT - Interval, in seconds, between reconnect attempts when this
* cross group link is not connected.
* DELAY - Delay, in seconds, that a sender must wait before using a new
* window when the receiver is congested.
* WINDOW - Maximum transmission window size for this cross-group link.
* TRANSPORT - Network protocol stack used, either TCPIP or DECNET.
* The DECNET transport is only available MQ for VMS.
* ENDPOINT - For TCPIP transport, the internet port number of the remote
* link listener process. For DECNET, this field should be blan