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   Using BEA Jolt

Jolt-Aware GUI Beans

The Jolt-aware GUI Beans consist of Java AWTbeans and Swing beans, and are inherited from the Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit. They include:


This is a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.TextField and Swing JTextfield. JoltTextField contains parts of the input for a service. A JoltServiceBean can listen to events raised by a JoltTextField. JoltTextField sends JoltInputEvents to its listeners (typically JoltServiceBeans) when its contents changes.

JoltTextField displays output from a service. In this case, JoltTextField listens to JoltOutputEvents from JoltServiceBeans and updates its contents according to the occurrence of the field to which it is linked.


This is a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.Label and Swing JLabel that is linked to a specific field in the Jolt output buffer by its JoltFieldName property. If the field occurs multiple times, the occurrence to which this textfield is linked is specified by the occurrenceIndex property of this bean. JoltLabel can be connected with JoltServiceBeans to display output from a service. A JoltLabel listens to JoltOutputEvents from JoltServiceBeans and updates its contents according to the occurrence of the field to which it is linked.


This is a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.List and Swing Jlist that is linked to a specific Jolt field in the Jolt input or output buffer by its JoltFieldName property. If the field occurs multiple times in the Jolt input buffer, the occurrence this list is linked to is specified by the occurrenceIndex property of this bean. JoltList can be connected with JoltServiceBeans in two ways:


JoltCheckbox is a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.Checkbox and Swing JCheckBox that is linked to a specific field in the Jolt input buffer by its JoltFieldName property. If the field occurs multiple times, the occurrence to which this checkbox is linked is specified by the occurrenceIndex property of this bean.

JoltCheckbox can be connected with JoltServiceBeans to contain parts of the input for a service. A JoltServiceBean listens to events raised by a JoltCheckbox. JoltCheckbox sends JoltInputEvents to its listeners (typically JoltServiceBeans) when the selection in the checkbox changes. The JoltInputEvent in this case is populated with the TrueValue property of data type String (if the box is selected) or FalseValue (if the box is unselected).


JoltChoice provides a Jolt-aware extension of java.awt.Choice and Swing JChoice that is linked to a specific field in the Jolt input buffer by its JoltFieldName property. If the field occurs multiple times, the occurrence to which this choice is linked is specified by the occurrenceIndex property of this bean.

JoltChoice can be connected to JoltServiceBeans to contain parts of the input for a service. A JoltServiceBean can listen to events raised by a JoltChoice. JoltChoice sends JoltInputEvents to its listeners (typically JoltServiceBeans) when the selection in the choicebox changes. The JoltInputEvent in this case is populated with the single value of the selected item.

Note: For a detailed description of these classes, see API Reference in Javadoc.