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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using FML

Creating Viewfiles

Source viewfiles are standard text files (created through any standard text editor, such as vi) that contain one or more source view descriptions (the actual field-to-structure mappings).

The view compiler produces (among other things) object viewfiles containing the compiled object view descriptions. These object viewfiles can be used, in turn, as input to the view disassembler (viewdis or viewdis32), which translates the object view descriptions back into their source format (for verification or editing). For more information, refer to viewdis, viewdis32(1) in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.

You can create and edit source view descriptions, and edit the output of viewdis. You cannot read compiled view descriptions (which are in binary format) directly.

Besides view descriptions, viewfiles may contain comment lines, beginning with # or $. Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored by the view compiler, while lines beginning with $ are passed by the view compiler to any header files generated. This convention lets you pass C comments, what strings, and so on, to C header files produced by the view compiler.

Note: This convention is not observed for COBOL; lines beginning with $ are not passed through to the COBOL copy files.