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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using FML

Indexing Functions

When a fielded buffer is initialized by Finit or Falloc, an index is automatically set up. This index is used to expedite fielded buffer accesses and is transparent to you. As fields are added to or deleted from the fielded buffer, the index is automatically updated.

However, when storing a fielded buffer on a long-term storage device, or when transferring it between cooperating processes, it may be desirable to save space by eliminating its index and regenerating it upon receipt. The functions described in this section may be used to perform such index manipulations.


This function returns the amount of space used by the index of a buffer.

Fidxused(FBFR *fbfr)

Here fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

You can use this function to determine the size of the index of a buffer, and whether significant time or space can be saved by deleting the index.

For more information, refer to Fidxused, Fidxused32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo FML Function Reference.


The function Findex may be used at any time to index an unindexed fielded buffer.

Findex(FBFR *fbfr. FLDOCC intvl)


The second argument to Findex specifies the indexing interval for the buffer. If 0 is specified, the value FSTDXINT (defined in fml.h) is used. The user may ensure that all fields are indexed by specifying an interval of 1.

Note that more space may be made available in an existing buffer for user data by increasing the indexing interval, and re-indexing the buffer. This represents a space/time trade-off, however, since reducing the number of index elements (by increasing the index interval), means, in general, that searches for fields will take longer. Most operations attempt to drop the entire index if they run out of space before returning a "no space" error.

For more information, refer to Findex, Findex32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo FML Function Reference.


This function can be used instead of Findex for cases in which the fielded buffer has not been altered since its index was removed.

Frstrindex(FBFR *fbfr, FLDOCC numidx)


For more information, refer to Frstrindex, Frstrindex32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo FML Function Reference.


Funindex discards the index of a fielded buffer and returns the number of index entries the buffer had before the index was stripped.

Funindex(FBFR *fbfr)

Here fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer.

For more information, refer to Funindex, Funindex32(3fml) in the BEA Tuxedo FML Function Reference.

Example of Sending a Fielded Buffer Without an Index

To transmit a fielded buffer without its index, complete a procedure such as the following.

  1. Remove the index.

    save = Funindex(fbfr);

  2. Get the number of bytes to send (that is, the number of significant bytes from the beginning of the buffer).

    num_to_send = Fused(fbfr);

  3. Send the buffer without the index.


  4. Restore the index to the buffer.


The index may be regenerated on the receiving side by the following statement.


Note that the receiving process cannot call Frstrindex because it did not remove the index itself, and the index was not sent with the file.

Note: The space used in memory by the index is not freed by calling Funindex. The Funindex function only saves space on disk or when sending a buffer to another process. Of course, you are always free to send a fielded buffer and its index to another process and avoid using these functions.