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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using FML

Definitions of Boolean Expressions

This section describes, in detail, the expressions accepted by the boolean compilation function, and explains how each expression is evaluated.

The following standard C language operators are not supported:

The following table shows the Backus-Naur Form definitions of the accepted boolean expressions.

BNF Boolean Expression Definitions




<boolean> || <logical and> | <logical and>

<logical and>

<logical and> && <xor expr> | <xor expr>

<xor expr>

<xor expr> ^ <equality expr> | <equality expr>

<equality expr>

<equality expr> <eq op> <relational expr> | <relational expr>

<eq op>

== | != | %% | !%

<relational expr>

<relational expr> <rel op> <additive expr> | <additive expr>

<rel op>

< | <= | >= | > |

<additive expr>

<additive expr> <add op> <multiplicative expr> | <multiplicative expr>

<add op>

+ | -

<multiplicative expr>

<multiplicative expr> <mult op> <unary expr> | <unary expr>

<mult op>

* | / | %

<unary expr>

<unary op> <primary expr> | <primary expr>

<unary op>

+ | - | ~ | !

<primary expr>

( <boolean> ) | <unsigned constant> | <field ref>

<unsigned constant>

<unsigned number> | <string>

<unsigned number>

<unsigned float> | <unsigned int>


' <character> {<character>. . .} '

<field ref>

<field name> | <field name>[<field occurrence>]

<field occurrence>

<unsigned int> | <meta>



The following sections describe boolean expressions in greater detail.