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   Installing the BEA Tuxedo System

Red Hat Linux 6.1 on Intel IA32 (x86)

Available BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1 Packages

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements


Disk Space Requirements


Disk Space Required

BEA Tuxedo software (client and server)

20500 blocks*

BEA Tuxedo Workstation only

3500 blocks*

* One block is equal to 512 bytes

Note: Disk space requirements for the BEA Jolt Server are provided in Supported Platforms for BEA Jolt Server and BEA Jolt Relay. Disk space requirements for the BEA Jolt Client are provided in BEA Jolt Client Requirements.

Platform-Specific Notes

To mount a CD, execute the following from the command line.

mkdir /cdrom1
mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cd_device /cdrom1

To determine the value of cd_device, execute the following command.

dmesg | grep -i cd

Linux displays the following.

cd_device device_description

The value of device_description may contain more than one field. For example, in the following output, the value of device description contains three fields:

hd20 Sony CDU-55 ATAPI
