BEA Logo BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1

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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

What Are the BEA Tuxedo Messaging Paradigms

The following table describes the BEA Tuxedo messaging paradigms available to application developers.

BEA Tuxedo Messaging Paradigms

BEA Tuxedo Messaging Paradigm


Conversational communication

Service request mode involving multiple 2-way interactions between a client and a dedicated server

Event-based communication

Publish/subscribe mode

Queue-based communication

Guaranteed delivery mode

Request/reply communication

Service request mode that can be synchronous (processing waits until the requester receives the response) or asynchronous (processing continues while the requester waits for the response)

Unsolicited messaging

Communication from any client or server to any clients that were not requested or expected by those clients

See Also