BEA Logo BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1

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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

What Is the BEA Tuxedo System

The BEA Tuxedo system is a middleware product that distributes applications across multiple platforms, databases, and operating systems using message-based communications and, if desired, distributed transaction processing.

Middleware is used with client/server applications to distribute processing among multiple servers, manage distributed transactions, and integrate multiple database platforms. Middleware systems are sometimes known as "on-line transaction processing" or "OLTP" systems.

The BEA Tuxedo system is a mature product based on over 15 years of development from a diverse group of technology companies including AT&T, UNIX System Laboratories (USL), Novell, and BEA Systems, Inc. It is both a development platform and an execution platform. The BEA Tuxedo system serves as an extension to the operating system.

The BEA Tuxedo system provides the following:

Features of the BEA Tuxedo System

The BEA Tuxedo system offers many features to accommodate the needs of the administrator, architect, and programmer of an application.

Administrative Features

Architectural Features

Programming Features

See Also