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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

Components of the BEA eLink Product Suite

BEA eLink for Mainframe - TCP/IP for MVS (for IMS and CICS)

The BEA eLink for Mainframe - TCP/IP gateway runs on the BEA Tuxedo system and advertises services that are available on the IBM system, either in CICS regions or under IMS.

On the mainframe, the TCP/IP for MVS communications stack is used by either the BEA eLink for Mainframe - TCP/IP for CICS or the BEA eLink for Mainframe - TCP/IP for IMS gateways to read requests from the BEA Tuxedo system and forward them to local routines.

Buffer data representation conversions and buffer layout mappings are configurable at the BEA eLink gateway. This gateway is unidirectional and nontransactional.

BEA eLink for Mainframe - TCP/IP

BEA eLink for Mainframe - SNA

With BEA eLink for Mainframe - SNA, a gateway on the BEA Tuxedo system maps ATMI protocols to LU6.2/PU2.1 protocols. This mapping allows routines on the mainframe to use CPIC or APPC functions to receive data from the BEA Tuxedo system and forward that data to local routines, or to initiate requests to services in the BEA Tuxedo system.

Buffer data representation conversions and buffer layout mappings are configurable at the BEA eLink gateway. BEA eLink for Mainframe - SNA is fully transactional and bidirectional.

BEA eLink for Mainframe - SNA

BEA eLink for Mainframe - OSI TP

The BEA eLink for Mainframe - OSI TP product is similar to the BEA eLink for Mainframe - SNA product.

Both are built on the BEA Tuxedo Domains architecture, and provide transparent transactional bidirectional access through gateway processes, which translate between the XATMI protocol and the protocol of the foreign TP system which, in this case, is OSI TP.

BEA eLink for Mainframe - OSI TP