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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

Management View: Using Administrative Tools

The BEA Tuxedo System MIB contains all the information necessary for the operation of an application. The MIB is designed to be programmable, so that you can write custom administrative programs. Administrative tools are constructed around the MIB and provide different types of interfaces to it. These tools include the following:

Available BEA Tuxedo System MIBs

The Management Information Base comprises a core MIB, which is common to all applications, and several component MIBs, which are optional. The core MIB, called TM_MIB, defines the parts of an application that are required in every BEA Tuxedo application. It is also used to administer those parts of an application. TM_MIB defines a BEA Tuxedo system application as a set of classes (for example, servers, groups, machines, domains), each of which is made up of objects that are characterized by various attributes (for example, identity and state).

Each of the component MIBs describes a subsystem of the BEA Tuxedo system. The following components are currently available: