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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

Managing Workstations

Workstation clients need enough of the BEA Tuxedo system software to package the information associated with a request. They can then send that information to a system that supports all the BEA Tuxedo system software, including ATMI functions and networking software.

The administrator configures one or more Workstation Listeners (WSLs) to be ready for connection requests from Workstation clients. Each WSL uses one or more associated Workstation Handlers (WSHs) to handle the client's workload. Each WSH manages multiple workstations, multiplexes all communication with a particular workstation over a single connection.

Handling Workstation Clients

A machine can then handle thousands of workstation clients. An administrator can define several WSLs in a domain to distribute and balance the workstation communication load across multiple machines.

From a programming perspective, all client ATMI programming interfaces are supported for workstation client development.