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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

What Is the Distinguished Bulletin Board Liaison (DBBL)

The Distinguished Bulletin Board Liaison (DBBL) is the server that makes it possible to distribute an application across multiple machines. The DBBL ensures that the bulletin board liaison (BBL) server on each machine is alive and functioning correctly. The DBBL runs on the MASTER machine of an application and communicates directly with all administration facilities.

The DBBL ensures that configuration and service addressing information is replicated to the bulletin board on each machine in the configuration. Servers located on remote machines are accessed through the BRIDGE on the local machine. Servers on the local machine are accessed directly. All local communications are performed through high performance operating system message queues. Remote communications are performed in two phases. First, service requests are forwarded to a remote machine through the (local) BRIDGE. Second, when a request reaches the remote machine, operating system messages are used to send the request to the appropriate server.