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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL

Using an XML Typed Record

XML records enable BEA Tuxedo applications to use XML for exchanging data within and between applications. BEA Tuxedo applications can send and receive simple XML records, and route those records to the appropriate servers. All logic for dealing with XML documents, including parsing, resides in the application.

An XML document consists of:

Formatting and filtering for Events processing (which are supported when a STRING record type is used) are not supported for the XML record type. Therefore, the _tmfilter and _tmformat pointers in the record type switch for XML records are set to LOW-VALUE.

The XML parser in the BEA Tuxedo system performs the following routines:

Data-dependent routing is supported for XML records. The routing of an XML document can be based on element content, or on element type and an attribute value. The XML parser determines the character encoding being used; if the encoding differs from the native character sets (US-ASCII or EBCDIC) used in the BEA Tuxedo configuration files (UBBCONFIG and DMCONFIG), the element and attribute names are converted to US-ASCII or EBCDIC.

Attributes configured for routing must be included in an XML document. If an attribute is configured as a routing criteria but it is not included in the XML document, routing processing fails.

The content of an element and the value of an attribute must conform to the syntax and semantics required for a routing field value. The user must also specify the type of the routing field value. XML supports only character data. If a range field is numeric, the content or value of that field is converted to a numeric value during routing processing.

See Also