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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL

Sample Transaction Scenarios

The following sections provide some considerations for the following transaction scenarios:

Called Service in Same Transaction as Caller

When a caller in transaction mode calls another service to participate in the current transaction, the following facts apply:

Called Service in Different Transaction with AUTOTRAN Set

If you issue a communication call with TPNOTRAN set and the called service is configured such that a transaction automatically starts when the service is called, the system places both the calling and called processes in transaction mode, but the two constitute different transactions. In this situation, the following facts apply:

Called Service that Starts a New Explicit Transaction

If a communication call is made with TPNOTRAN, and the called service is not automatically placed in transaction mode by a configuration option, the service can define multiple transactions using explicit calls to TPBEGIN, TPCOMMIT, and TPABORT. As a result, the transaction can be completed before a call is issued to TPRETURN.

In this situation, the following facts apply: