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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL

Compiling Code for a Multithreaded/Multicontexted Application

The programs provided by the BEA Tuxedo system for compiling or building executables, such as buildserver(1) and buildclient(1), automatically include any required compiler flags. If you use these tools, then you do not need to set any flags at compile time.

If, however, you compile your .c files into .o files before doing a final compilation, you may need to set platform-specific compiler flags. Such flags must be set consistently for all code linked into a single process.

If you are creating a multithreaded server, you must run the buildserver(1) command with the -t option. This option is mandatory for multithreaded servers; if you do not specify it at build time and later try to boot the new server with a configuration file in which the value of MAXDISPATCHTHREADS is greater than 1, a warning message is recorded in the userlog and the server reverts to single-threaded operation.

To identify any operating system-specific compiler parameters that are required when you compile .c files into .o files in a multithreaded environment, run buildclient(1) or buildserver(1) with the -v option set on a test file.

See Also