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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL

Design Considerations for a Multithreaded and Multicontexted Application

Multithreaded and multicontexted applications are appropriate for some BEA Tuxedo domains, but not all. To decide whether to create such applications, you should answer several basic questions about the following:

Environment Requirements

When considering the development of multithreaded and/or multicontexted applications, examine the following aspects of your development and run-time environments:

Design Requirements

When designing a multithreaded and/or multicontexted application, you should consider the following design questions:

Is the Task of Your Application Suitable for Multithreading and/or Multicontexting

The following table provides a list of questions to help you decide whether your application would be improved if it were multithreaded and/or multicontexted. This list is not comprehensive; your individual requirements will determine other factors that should be considered.

For additional suggestions, we recommend that you consult a multithreaded and/or multicontexted programming publication.

If the answer to this question . . .

Is YES, then you might consider using . . .

Does your client need to connect to more than one application without using the Domains feature?


Does your client perform the role of a multiplexer within your application? For example, have you designated one machine in your application the "surrogate" for 100 other machines?


Does your client use multicontexting?

Multithreading. By allocating one thread per context, you can simplify your code.

Does your client perform two or more tasks that can be executed independently for a long time such that the performance gains from concurrent execution outweigh the costs and complexities of threads synchronization?


Do you want one server to process multiple concurrent requests?

Multithreading. Assign a value greater than 1 to MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. This value enables multiple clients, each in its own thread, for the server.

If your client or server had multiple threads, would it be necessary to synchronize them after each thread had performed only a little work?

Not using multithreading

How Many Applications and Connections Do You Want

Decide how many applications you want to access and the number of connections you want to make.

What Synchronization Issues Need to Be Addressed

This issue is an important one during the design phase. It is, however, beyond the scope of this documentation. Please refer to a publication about multithreaded and/or multicontexted programming.

Will You Need to Port Your Application

If you may need to port your application in the future, you should keep in mind that different operating systems have different sets of functions. If you think you may want to port your application after completing the initial version of it on one platform, remember to consider the amount of staff time that will be needed to revise the code with a different set of functions.

Which Threads Model Is Best for You

Various models for multithreaded programs are now being used, including the following:

We do not discuss threads models in this documentation. We recommend that you research all available models and consider your design requirements carefully when choosing a programming model for your application.

Interoperability Restrictions for Workstation Clients

Interoperability between Release 7.1 Workstation clients and applications based on pre-7.1 releases of the BEA Tuxedo system is supported in any of the following situations:

A BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1 Workstation client with multiple threads in a single context cannot interoperate with a pre-7.1 release of the BEA Tuxedo system.

See Also