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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using C

Transaction Time-outs

As described in Transaction Errors, two types of time-outs can occur in a BEA Tuxedo application: blocking and transaction. The following sections describe how various programming features are affected by transaction time-outs. Refer to Transaction Errors for more information on time-outs.

Effect on the tpcommit() Function

What is the state of a transaction if a time-out occurs after a call to tpcommit()? If the transaction timed out and the system knows that it was aborted, the system reports these events by setting tperrno(5) to TPEABORT. If the status of the transaction is unknown, the system sets the error code to TPETIME.

When the state of a transaction is in doubt, you must query the resource manager. First, verify whether or not any of the changes that were part of the transaction were applied. Then you can determine whether the transaction was committed or aborted.

Effect on the TPNOTRAN Flag

When a process is in transaction mode and makes a communication call with flags set to TPNOTRAN, it prohibits the called service from becoming a participant in the current transaction. Whether the service request succeeds or fails has no impact on the outcome of the transaction. The transaction can still time-out while waiting for a reply that is due from a service, whether it is part of the transaction or not.

For additional information on using the TPNOTRAN flag, refer to tpreturn( ) and tpforward( ) Functions.