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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using C

Preliminary Guidelines for Programming a Multithreaded/Multicontexted Application

Before you start coding, make sure you have fulfilled or thought about the following:

Prerequisites for a Multithreaded Application

Make sure your environment meets the following prerequisites before starting your development project.

General Multithreaded Programming Considerations

Only experienced programmers should write multithreaded programs. In particular, programmers should already be familiar with basic design issues specific to this task, such as:

These are just a few of the issues, too numerous to list here, with which we assume any programmer undertaking the writing of a multithreaded program is already familiar. These issues are discussed in many commercially available books on the subject of multithreaded programming.

Concurrency Considerations

Multithreading enables different threads of an application to perform concurrent operations on the same conversation. We do not recommend this approach, but the BEA Tuxedo system does not forbid it. If different threads perform concurrent operations on the same conversation, the system acts as if the concurrent calls were issued in some arbitrary order.

When programming with multiple threads, you must manage the concurrency among them by using mutexes or other concurrency-control functions. Here are three examples of the need for concurrency control.

See Also