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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System /Q Component

Administrator Tasks

The BEA Tuxedo administrator is responsible for defining servers and creating queue spaces and queues like those shown between the vertical dashed lines in the figure Queued Service Invocation.

The administrator must define at least one queue server group with TMS_QM as the transaction manager server for the group.

Two additional system-provided servers need to be defined in the configuration file. These servers perform the following functions:

An administrator also must create a queue space using the queue administration program, qmadmin(1), or the APPQ_MIB(5) Management Information Base (MIB). The queue space contains a collection of queues. In the figure Queued Service Invocation, for example, four queues are present within the APP queue space. There is a one-to-one mapping of queue space to queue server group since each queue space is a resource manager instance and only a single RM can exist in a group.

The notion of queue space allows for reducing the administrative overhead associated with a queue by sharing the overhead among a collection of queues in the following ways:

Part of the task of defining a queue is specifying the order for messages on the queue. Queue ordering can be determined by message availability time, expiration time, priority, FIFO, LIFO, or a combination of these criteria.

The administrator specifies one or more of these sort criteria for the queue, listing the most significant criteria first. The FIFO and LIFO values must be the least significant sort criteria. Messages are put on the queue according to the specified sort criteria and dequeued from the top of the queue. The administrator can configure as many message queuing servers as are needed to keep up with the requests generated by clients for the stable queues.

Data-dependent routing can be used to route between multiple server groups with servers offering the same service.

For housekeeping purposes, the administrator can set up a command to be executed when a threshold is reached for a queue that does not routinely get drained. This can be based on the bytes, blocks, or percentage of the queue space used by the queue or the number of messages on the queue. The command might boot a TMQFORWARD server to drain the queue or send mail to the administrator for manual handling.

The BEA Tuxedo system uses the Queueing Services component of the BEA Engine for some operations. (The BEA Engine provides services to BEA Systems products such as BEA Tuxedo and BEA WebLogic Enterprise.) For example, administrative operations for shared memory are provided by the Queuing Services component. Some functions are not currently applicable to BEA Tuxedo applications; this is noted in descriptions of these functions.

You can also use the queued message facility for peer-to-peer communication between clients, such that a client communicates with other clients without using any forwarding server. The peer-to-peer communication model is shown in the following figure.

Peer-to-Peer Communication