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   BEA Tuxedo C Function Reference



tx_set_transaction_timeout() - set transaction_timeout characteristic


#include <tx.h> 
int tx_set_transaction_timeout(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT timeout)


tx_set_transaction_timeout() sets the transaction_timeout characteristic to the value specified in timeout. This value specifies the time period in which the transaction must complete before becoming susceptible to transaction timeout; that is, the interval between the AP calling tx_begin() and tx_commit() or tx_rollback(). tx_set_transaction_timeout() may be called regardless of whether its caller is in transaction mode or not. If tx_set_transaction_timeout() is called in transaction mode, the new timeout value does not take effect until the next transaction.

The initial transaction_timeout value is 0 (no timeout).

timeout specifies the number of seconds allowed before the transaction becomes susceptible to transaction timeout. It may be set to any value up to the maximum value for a long as defined by the system. A timeout value of zero disables the timeout feature.

In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_set_transaction_timeout().

Return Value

Upon successful completion, tx_set_transaction_timeout() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.


Under the following conditions, tx_set_transaction_timeout() does not change the setting of the transaction_timeout characteristic and returns one of these negative values:


The timeout value specified is invalid.


The function was called improperly. For example, it was called before the caller called tx_open().


The transaction manager encountered an error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.

See Also

tx_begin(3c), tx_commit(3c), tx_info(3c), tx_open(3c), tx_rollback(3c)


Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.