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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 3: Editing the bankapp Makefile

bankapp includes a makefile that makes all scripts executable, converts the view description file to binary format, and does all the precompiles, compiles, and builds necessary to create application servers. It can also be used to clean up when you want to make a fresh start.

As is delivered, there are a few fields you may want to edit, and some others that may benefit from some explanation.

How to Edit the TUXDIR Parameter

  1. Review, about 40 lines into the file, where you come to the following comment and the TUXDIR parameter:

    # Root directory of TUXEDO System. This file must either be edited to set
    # this value correctly, or the correct value must be passed via "make -f
    # TUXDIR=/correct/tuxdir", or the build of bankapp will fail.

  2. Set the TUXDIR parameter to the absolute path name of the root directory of your BEA Tuxedo system installation.

How to Edit the APPDIR Parameter

  1. Review the setting of the APPDIR parameter. As bankapp is delivered, APPDIR is set to the directory in which the bankapp files are located, relative to TUXDIR. The following section of defines and describes the setting of APPDIR.

    # Directory where the bankapp application source and executables reside.
    # This file must either be edited to set this value correctly, or the
    # correct value must be passed via "make -f
    # APPDIR=/correct/appdir", or the build of bankapp will fail.

  2. If you copied the files to another directory, as suggested in the README file, you should set APPDIR to the name of the directory to which you copied the files. When you run the makefile, the application is built in this directory.

How to Set the Resource Manager Parameters

By default, bankapp is set up to use the BEA Tuxedo/SQL as the database resource manager. This arrangement is based on the assumption that you have the BEA Tuxedo system database on your system. If this is not the case, you should set the RM parameter to the name of your resource manager as listed in TUXDIR/udataobj/RM.

# Resource Manager

Note: The BEA Tuxedo SQL resource manager is included for demonstration purposes only.

How to Run the File

  1. When you have completed the changes you wish to make to, run it with the following command line:

        nohup make -f &

  2. Check the nohup.out file to make sure the process completed successfully.

    Note: bankvar sets a number of parameters that are referenced when is run.

See Also