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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Using Conversational Communication

If multiple buffers need to be sent between a BEA Tuxedo client and a BEA Tuxedo service in a stateful manner, then the BEA Tuxedo conversation may be a suitable option.

Use BEA Tuxedo conversations judiciously because a server engaged in a conversation is unavailable until the conversation has ended. To implement a conversation, incorporate the following steps in your code.

  1. The BEA Tuxedo client starts the conversation with the tpconnect() function.

  2. The BEA Tuxedo client and the conversational server exchange buffers using the tpsend() and tprecv() functions. A special flag is set in the service calls to indicate which participant has control of the conversation.

  3. The conversation ends in normal conditions, when the server calls tpreturn() or the tpdiscon() function.

    Using Conversations

See Also