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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 1: How to Copy the simpapp Files

Note: The following instructions are based on a UNIX system platform. Instruction for non-UNIX platforms, such as Windows NT, may be different. Examples used in the sample applications may vary significantly, depending on the specific platform.

  1. Make a directory for simpapp and cd to it.

    mkdir simpdir
    cd simpdir

    Note: This step is suggested so you can see the simpapp files you have at the start and the additional files you create along the way. Use the standard shell (/bin/sh) or the Korn shell; do not use csh.

  2. Set and export environment variables.

    TUXDIR=pathname of the BEA Tuxedo system root directory
    TUXCONFIG=pathname of your present working directory/tuxconfig

    You need TUXDIR and PATH to be able to access files in the BEA Tuxedo system directory structure and to execute BEA Tuxedo system commands. On Sun Solaris, /usr/5bin must be the first directory in your PATH. With AIX on the RS/6000, use LIBPATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. On HP-UX on the HP 9000, use SHLIB_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    You need to set TUXCONFIG to be able to load the configuration file, described in Step 4: Editing and Loading the Configuration File.

  3. Copy the simpapp files.

    cp $TUXDIR/samples/atmi/simpapp/* .

    Note: It is best to begin with a copy of the files rather than the originals delivered with the software because you will edit some of the files to make them executable.

  4. List the files.

        $ ls 
    README env simpapp.nt ubbmp wsimpcl
    README.as400 setenv.cmd simpcl.c ubbsimple
    README.nt simpserv.c ubbws

    Note: Except for the README files, the other files are variations of simp*.* and ubb* files for non-UNIX system platforms. The README files provide explanations of the other files.

    The three files that are central to the application are:

See Also