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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 2: How to Boot STOCKAPP

  1. Set the environment.


  2. Boot the application by entering the following.


    The following prompt is displayed.

        Boot all admin and server processes? (y/n): y

    When you enter y after the prompt, a running report, such as the following, is displayed on the screen.

    Booting all admin and server processes in /usr/me/appdir/tuxconfig
    Booting all admin processes
    exec BBL -A:
    process id=24223 Started.

The report continues until all servers in the configuration have been started. It ends by reporting the total number of servers started.

If you prefer, you can boot only a portion of the configuration. For example, to boot only administrative servers, include the -A option. If no options are specified, the entire application is booted.

In addition to reporting on the number of servers booted, tmboot also sends messages to the ULOG.

See Also