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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 2: Building Servers in STOCKAPP

buildserver is used to put together an executable server. Options identify the names of the output file, the input files provided by the application, and various libraries that permit you to run a BEA Tuxedo system application in a variety of ways.

buildserver with the -C option invokes the cobcc command. The environment variables ALTCC and ALTCFLAGS can be set to name an alternative compile command and to set flags for the compile and link edit phases. The key buildserver command line options are illustrated in the examples that follow.

The buildserver command is used in to compile and build each server in the stock application. (Refer to the buildserver(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference for complete details.)

How to Build the BUYSELL Server

The BUYSELL server is derived from files that contain the code for the BUYSR and SELLSR functions. The BUYSELL server is first compiled to a BUYSELL.o file before supplying it to the buildserver command so that any compile-time errors can be clearly identified and dealt with before this step.

  1. Create the BUYSELL.o file (performed for you in The buildserver command that was used to build the BUYSELL server follows:

    buildserver -C -v -o BUYSELL -s SELLSR -f SELLSR.cbl -s BUYSR -f BUYSR.cbl

    The explanation of the command line options follows:

Servers Built in

The topics on creating the STOCKAPP servers are important to your understanding of how the buildserver command is specified. However, in actual practice you are apt to incorporate the build into a makefile; that is the way it is done in STOCKAPP.

See Also