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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using TxRPC

Using uuidgen to Create an IDL Template

A Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is used to uniquely identify an interface. The uuidgen command is used to generate UUIDs. The output might look something like the following.

$ uuidgen -i > simp.idl
$ cat simp.idl
interface INTERFACE

This template is then used to create the IDL input file for the application (adding type definitions, constants, and operations).

If both the BEA Tuxedo and DCE uuidgen(1) commands are available, the DCE command can and should be used to generate the template (the DCE version will most likely have a machine-specific approach to getting the node address, as described below).

The BEA Tuxedo system uuidgen command is similar to the DCE command with the exception that the -s option (which generates a UUID string as an initialized C structure), and the -t option (which translates an old style UUID string to the new format) are not supported. See the uuidgen(1) reference page for details of the interface.

The uuidgen command requires a 48-bit node address as described in ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE 802.3). There is no platform-independent way to determine this value, and it may not be available at all on some machines (a workstation, for example). The following approach is used for the BEA Tuxedo system uuidgen command: