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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Workstation Component

Changes on the Native Site

Install and build the bankapp software on the native site. The procedure for doing this is described in Tutorial for bankapp, a Full C Application in Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application and in the following README files on the master machine where your BEA Tuxedo system software is installed:

Editing the Configuration File

You need to edit the configuration file you plan to use (either ubbshm or ubbmp) to specify the workstation listener (WSL) as a server in the GROUPS and SERVERS sections, and to specify MAXWSCLIENTS in the MACHINES section. When you edit the GROUPS section, put the entry for WSGRP ahead of the DEFAULT line or move the specifications for TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT to the server groups that use them; they should not be assigned to WSGRP. The new specifications should be in the following format.



WSGRP GRPNO=<next available group #> LMID=SITE1

CLOPT="-A - -n //machine:port -m 1 -M 5 -x 10"

Also, remember to increase the MAXACCESSERS parameter in the RESOURCES or MACHINES section to cover the new workstation clients.

Loading and Booting the Configuration

Before you can start using a Workstation client, you need to run tmloadcf(1) to load the configuration file into its binary form and tmboot(1) to start the application. These commands do not have to be run immediately; there is work to be done in getting the bankapp clients installed on your workstations and getting them built. However, the application must be running on the BEA Tuxedo system native site when you attempt to join the application from a workstation. The steps for loading and booting bankapp on the native site are part of the overall procedure documented in Tutorial for bankapp, a Full C Applicationin Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application.

See Also