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Specifying a Group Name, Number, and LMID

The group name, which is the basis for a GROUPS section entry, is an alphanumeric name by which the group is identified; it specifies the logical name (string_value) of the group. It is given a mandatory, unique group number (GRPNO). Each group must reside wholly on one logical machine (LMID).

The LMID specifies that this group of servers resides on the machine symbolically named by string_value1 in the MACHINES section.

Characteristics of the Group Name, Group Number, and LMID



Group_name required_ parameters [optional_ parameters]

It is required.

It is an alphanumeric name by which the group is identified.

It is unique and specifies the logical name of the group.

GRPNO (Group Number)

It is required and is unique.

LMID=string_value1 [,string_value2]

It is required.

Each LMID value must be an alphanumeric string containing 30 or fewer characters.

Up to two logical machine names can be specified. If a second logical name is given and server group migration is enabled, the machine with which the server group is associated can be migrated.


See Also


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