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Defining Server Name, Group, and ID

You initially assign a name to a server in the SERVERS section. The name you specify must be the name of an executable file built with one of the following commands:

You must also specify a group identifier (SRVGRP) for each server. The value of SRVGRP must be the name specified in the beginning of a GROUPS section entry. Finally, you must also provide each server process in a given group with a unique numeric identifier (SRVID). Every server entry must include the SRVGRP and SRVID parameters. Because the entries describe machines to be booted and not just applications, it is possible that in some cases the same server name will be displayed in many entries.

Characteristics of the Server Name, SRVGRP, and SRVID Parameters




It identifies the executable to be booted.

It is built with buildserver(1) for ATMI.

It is built with buildobjserver(1) for CORBA.

It is required, but may not be unique within a server group.

SRVGRP (Server Group)

It identifies the group affiliation.

The group name begins with a GROUPS section entry.

It is required.

SRVID (Server ID)

It is numeric.

It is required and unique within a server group.



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