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Identifying Server Queue Information

Server queue information controls the creation and access of server message queues. On a BEA Tuxedo system, you can create Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) sets by using the RQADDR parameter. For any given server, you can set this parameter to an alphanumeric value. By specifying the same value for RQADDR on all servers that offer the same services, you can consolidate those services under one message queue, thus creating an MSSQ set and establishing load balancing.

MSSQ Example

An MSSQ set is similar to a bank staff. Four tellers may be available to handle the business requests of many customers who wait in a single line. All customers are assured of an equitable wait in line. Understandably, a loan officer is not included in the group of tellers handling requests from customers in that line. The loan officer cannot handle requests for deposits and withdrawals (as the tellers can), and not all customers want loans. Similarly, a server cannot join an MSSQ set if the services it offers are not the same as the services offered by the servers in an MSSQ set.

The RQPERM parameter allows you to specify the permissions for server request queues, along the lines of the UNIX system convention (for example, 0666). This setting allows services to control access to the request queue.

If the service routines within an MSSQ server perform service requests, they must receive replies to their requests on a reply queue. You can set up such a reply queue by specifying REPLYQ=Y. By default, REPLYQ is set to N. If REPLYQ is set to Y, you can also assign permissions to it with the RPPERM parameter.

Characteristics of the RQADDR, RQPERM, REPLYQ, and RPPERM Parameters




It is an alphanumeric value that allows MSSQ sets to be created. The value is the same for all members of an MSSQ set. All members of an MSSQ set must offer the same set of services and the servers in an MSSQ set should have the same executable name. In order to boot multiple servers, set the value greater than 1 for Min parameter.


Represents the permissions on a request queue. If no parameter is specified, the permissions of the bulletin board, as specified by PERM in the RESOURCES section, are used. If no value is specified there, the default of 0666 is used. When the default is used, your application is available to anyone with a login on the system.


Specifies whether a reply queue, separate from the request queue, is to be set up for this server. If only one server is using the request queue, replies can be picked up from the request queue without causing problems. On a BEA Tuxedo system, if the server is a member of an MSSQ set and contains services programmed to receive reply messages, REPLYQ should be set to Y so that an individual reply queue is created for this server. If not, the reply is sent to the request queue shared by all servers of the MSSQ set, and there is no way of assuring that it will be picked up by the server that is waiting for it. Multithreaded servers automatically create REPLYQs even if this parameter is not set.


Assigns permissions to the reply queue. This parameter is useful only when REPLYQ=Y. If requests and replies are read from the same queue, only RQPERM is needed; RPPERM is ignored.



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