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Defining the Server Dispatch Threads

MAXDISPATCHTHREADS is the maximum number of concurrently dispatched threads that each server process may spawn. If MAXDISPATCHTHREADS>1, then a separate dispatcher thread is used and does not count against this limit. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS<=MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. If not specified, the default for this parameter is 1.

MINDISPATCHTHREADS is the minimum number of server dispatch threads started on initial server boot. The separate dispatched thread that is used when MAXDISPATCHTHREADS>1 is not counted as part of the MAXDISPATCHTHREADS value. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS<=MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. The default for this parameter is 0.

You must specify the stack size in bytes for each server thread after the initial thread. If not specified or specified as 0, the operating system default is used. This option has an affect on the server only when a value greater than 1 is specified for MAXDISPATCHTHREADS.


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