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Setting Security Parameters for ISL Servers

In CORBA environments the IIOP Listener (ISL) process listens for remote clients requesting a connection. The ISL process is specified in one entry as a server supplied by the BEA Tuxedo system.

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol defines how processes can communicate in a secure manner over IIOP. Use the -s option on the ISL command to set the required parameters. You only need to set these parameters if you are using the SSL protocol, which is installed in the BEA Tuxedo Security Pack.

Table 3-1 lists the SSL parameters characteristics.

ISL and SSL Parameters Characteristics




Specifies the identity of the IIOP Listener/Handler.


Specifies the location of the private key for the IIOP Listener/Handler.


Specifies the phrase for the private key of the IIOP Listener/Handler.


For more information about setting these parameters, see Using Security in CORBA Applications.


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