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How to Configure the BEA Tuxedo System to Take Advantage of Threads

To configure a multicontexted application, edit your UBBCONFIG file as usual and add those parameters, listed in the following table, that are needed for your application. Use a text editor or the BEA Administration Console.

Setting Parameters in the Configuration File to Use Threads

In This Section

Set These Parameters

With These Considerations.



Optional parameter, but you must assign a value to it you want more than 50 accessers (the default number).

Each context of a multicontexted client is counted separately for licensing purposes.


Optional parameter that defines the default method to be used for unsolicited notification. Valid values for multicontexted applications are:



Optional parameter, but you must assign a value to it you want more than 50 accessers (the default number).

Each context of a multicontexted client is counted separately for licensing purposes.


Optional parameter.

Each context of a multicontexted Workstation client is counted separately for licensing purposes. Because the default is 0, this parameter must be set if any Workstation clients are to access the system via the machine being defined.



Optional parameter.


Required parameter in multithreaded servers.

When making an existing server multithreaded, an experienced programmer must verify that the source code for the server has been written in a thread-safe manner. In other words, it is not possible to convert a single-threaded server, written with static variables, to a multithreaded server simply by increasing the value of MAXDISPATCHTHREADS in the configuration file. This server must also be built for multithreading.


Optional parameter.

You may need to set it if your server dispatch threads require an especially large stack.

The default, 0, should be sufficient for most applications. (Keep in mind that when 0 is passed to the operating system, the operating system invokes its own default.)



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