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How to Compile a Configuration File

Compiling a configuration file means generating a binary version of the file (TUXCONFIG) from the text version (UBBCONFIG). To compile a configuration file, run the tmloadcf command. tmloadcf parses a UBBCONFIG file and loads the binary file.

tmloadcf reads a file (or standard input written in UBBCONFIG syntax), checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary configuration file called TUXCONFIG. The TUXCONFIG and (optionally) TUXOFFSET environment variables point to the TUXCONFIG file and (optional) offset where the information should be stored. You can run tmloadcf only on the machine designated as MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file, unless the -c or -n option is specified.

Notes: The user identifier (UID) of the person running tmloadcf must match the UID, if specified, in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

The pathname specified for the TUXCONFIG environment variable must match exactly (including case) the pathname specified for TUXCONFIG parameter within the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file. Otherwise, tmloadcf(1) cannot be run successfully.


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