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Configuring a Listener for a Remote CORBA Client

Remote clients access your application through the services of an ISL process and one or more ISH processes. The ISL is specified in one entry as a server supplied by the BEA Tuxedo system. The ISL can support multiple remote clients and acts as the single point of contact for all the remote clients connected to your application at the network address specified on the ISL command line. The listener schedules work for one or more remote handler processes. An ISH process acts as a surrogate within the administrative domain of your application for remote clients on remote systems. The ISH uses a multiplexing scheme to support multiple remote clients concurrently.

To join remote clients to an application, you must list the ISL processes in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file. The processes follow the same syntax for listing any server.

Format of the CLOPT Parameter

You use the following ISL command-line options (CLOPT) to pass information to the ISL process for remote clients. The format of the CLOPT parameter is as follows:

ISL SRVGRP="identifier"
CLOPT="[ -A ] [ servopts options ] -- -n netaddr
[ -C {detect|warn|none} ]
[ -d device ]
[ -K {client|handler|both|none} ]
[ -m minh ]
[ -M maxh ]
[ -T client-timeout]
[ -x mpx-factor ]
[ -H external-netaddr"
For a detailed description of the CLOPT command line options, see the ISL command in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.


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