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Starting Up and Shutting Down Your Application

To start an application, you need to perform the following tasks as stated in Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time.

  1. Set the environment variables as described in "How to Set Your Environment" on page 1-3.

  2. Create the TUXCONFIG file as described in How to Create the TUXCONFIG File.

  3. Propagate the BEA Tuxedo software as described in How to Manually Propagate the Application-Specific Directories and Files.

  4. Create a TLOG device, (if required) as described in How to Create a TLOG Device.

  5. Start tlisten at all sites (MP environments) as described in How to Start tlisten at All Sites.

  6. Boot the application as described in How to Boot the Application.

To shut down an application, you need to perform the following task.

Run tmshutdown on the MASTER machine as described in How to Shut Down Your Application.


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