Tuxedo Release 8.0

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Installing BEA Tuxedo Using GUI-Mode Installation


The following sections describe how to install BEA Tuxedo by using a graphical user interface (GUI) on both Windows and UNIX systems:


What Is GUI-Mode Installation?

The graphical user interface mode of installation is the graphics-based method of executing the BEA Installation program. It can be run on both Windows and UNIX systems.

To run GUI-mode installation, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. All consoles for Windows systems support Java-based GUIs, but not all consoles for UNIX systems do.

Note: To install BEA Tuxedo on a UNIX system with a nongraphics console, see Installing BEA Tuxedo on UNIX Systems Using Console-Mode Installation.


Before You Start

If you are upgrading from a 5.1 or pre-5.1 version of WebLogic Enterprise, or from a 7.1 or pre-7.1 version of BEA Tuxedo, see Upgrading the BEA Tuxedo System to Release 8.0 and follow the instructions given there. Then return here to continue your BEA Tuxedo installation.


Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a Windows System

To start the GUI-mode installation process on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Windows system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in BEA Tuxedo 8.0 Platform Data Sheets.

    The Windows 98 system supports only BEA Tuxedo client components.

  2. Log in to the target machine using the Administrator username.

    You need administrative privileges to install BEA Tuxedo server components on a Windows system. If you are going to install only BEA Tuxedo client components, you do not need administrative privileges.

  3. Make sure that you have enough free space for the BEA Tuxedo installation.

    For disk space requirements, see BEA Tuxedo 8.0 Platform Data Sheets. For important disk space allocation information, see File and Database Management and Disk Space Allocation.

  4. If you are installing BEA Tuxedo by downloading it from the BEA Web site:

    Go to the directory in which you downloaded the BEA Tuxedo installer specific to your platform and double-click filename.exe file, where filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer.

    For instructions on completing the installation process, see Running GUI-Mode Installation.

  5. If you are installing BEA Tuxedo from the CD-ROM:

    1. Insert the BEA Tuxedo CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Go to the tux8_new_installer directory of the mounted CD-ROM.

    3. Double-click filename.exe file, where filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer specific to your platform. The installation program begins to install BEA Tuxedo.

  6. If you are installing on a Windows 2000 machine on which the BEA WebLogic Enterprise software or an older version of the BEA Tuxedo software is installed, the Previous Version Detected! window is displayed. This window contains a message that directs you to exit the installation program and remove the older software before installing BEA Tuxedo 8.0.

    If you choose to remove the older software, see Additional Upgrade Requirements for Windows 2000, follow the instructions to remove the older software from your machine, and restart the installation.

    If you prefer not to remove the older software because you want to have two versions installed on your machine, you must observe the guidelines in the following list. (If you do not observe these guidelines, the older software will be rendered unusable and files associated with the older installation, which you may have modified, will be overwritten.)

    1. You must install the BEA Tuxedo 8.0 software in a directory other than the directory in which the BEA WebLogic Enterprise software or the older version of the BEA Tuxedo software is installed.

    2. Before you can use the BEA Tuxedo 8.0 software, you must set the system environment variables to point to the BEA Tuxedo 8.0 software. For instructions about setting environment variables, see Setting Up Your Environment.

    3. If you want to revert to using the BEA WebLogic Enterprise software or the older version of the BEA Tuxedo software, you must reset the system environment variables so that they point to the older software.

  7. For instructions on completing the installation process, see Running GUI-Mode Installation.


Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a UNIX System

To start the GUI-mode installation process on a UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a UNIX system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in BEA Tuxedo 8.0 Platform Data Sheets.

  2. Log in to the target UNIX system using the root username.

    You need superuser privileges to mount the BEA Tuxedo CD on a UNIX system. If you are installing BEA Tuxedo by downloading it from the BEA Web site, you do not need superuser privileges.

  3. Make sure that you have enough free space for the BEA Tuxedo installation.

    For disk space requirements, see BEA Tuxedo 8.0 Platform Data Sheets. For important disk space allocation information, see File and Database Management and Disk Space Allocation.

  4. If you are installing BEA Tuxedo by downloading it from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the BEA Tuxedo installer specific to your platform.

    2. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      sh filename.bin

      In this command, filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer.

    For instructions on completing the installation process, see Running GUI-Mode Installation.

  5. If you are installing BEA Tuxedo from the CD-ROM:

    1. Mount the CD-ROM as a filesystem and insert the BEA Tuxedo CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Go to the tux8_new_installer directory of the mounted CD-ROM.

    3. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      sh filename.bin

      In this command, filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer specific to your platform.

  6. For instructions on completing the installation process, see Running GUI-Mode Installation.


Running GUI-Mode Installation

The BEA Tuxedo installer program, which is currently available only in English, prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .

Perform the following action . . .


Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

License Agreement

Read the BEA Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. The default is No. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Next.

Choose Install Set

Select one of four install sets to be installed on your system: Full Installation (the default), Server Install, Client Install, or Jolt Client. For a list of software component for each install set, see Install Sets.

On a Windows 98 system, select either Client Install or Jolt Client from the installation menu. A Windows 98 system cannot be used as a BEA Tuxedo server machine.

Select an install set and then click Next to launch the Choose BEA Home Directory window. (Your selection includes the appropriate encryption software for link-level encryption [LLE] and/or secure sockets layer [SSL].) Or select an install set and then click Customize to launch the Customize Install window.

Customize Install

Deselect (clear) one or more software components from the selected install set, or choose one of the other three install sets or the Custom Set from the drop-down list menu and customize its software components.

Observe the following software component mappings, deselect the software components that you do not want to install, and then click Next to continue with the installation:

Your selections include the appropriate encryption software for LLE and/or SSL.

Choose BEA Home Directory

Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. If you already have a BEA Home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new BEA Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the BEA Tuxedo installer program will automatically create the directory for you. For details about the BEA Home directory, see BEA Home Directory.

Choose a BEA Home directory and then click Next to continue with the installation.

Choose Product Directory

Specify the directory in which you want to install the BEA Tuxedo software. You may select the default product directory (tuxedo8.0) or create a new product directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the BEA Tuxedo installer will automatically create the directory for you.

Choose a product directory and then click Install to start the BEA Tuxedo software installation.

Installing . . .

No user input is required here. The installation program is installing BEA Tuxedo in the user-specified product directory.

Note: It is normal for the installation progress bar to stop for a fairly long time, especially at the end. The BEA Tuxedo installer is still working when this occurs.

Create Tlisten Password

Enter a tlisten password of your choice. Your password must be a string of alphanumeric characters in clear-text format that is no more than 80 characters in length. You use this password to log in to the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console.

BEA Tuxedo uses the tlisten password to protect the local machine from administrative requests and operations that are not authorized. Whenever administrative communications arrive on the local machine through tlisten(1) or wlisten(1) gateway processes, BEA Tuxedo authenticates them by means of the tlisten password.

Enter and re-enter a tlisten password and then click Next to continue.

SSL Installation Choice

Choose whether or not you want to install SSL support. Choosing to install SSL support is a valid choice only if you have installed CORBA server and/or client software components.

LDAP Configuration

Enter the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration information needed to support certificate-based authentication when using SSL. BEA Tuxedo 8.0 provides an LDAP-based certificate retrieval mechanism that has been certified for use with the LDAP Directory server included with Netscape Enterprise Server.

Enter the following LDAP configuration information and then click Next to continue:

License Installation Choice

Choose whether or not you want to install the BEA Tuxedo product license now:

Choose License Location Directory

Read the following important information, specify the location of the license file on your machine, and then click Next to continue.

Install Complete

Click Done to exit the installation program.


Congratulations! Your installation of the BEA Tuxedo software is complete!


Assigning File Ownership on a UNIX System

If you installed the BEA Tuxedo software on a UNIX system, we strongly recommend that you create a separate user account for the BEA Tuxedo administrator and give ownership of the BEA Tuxedo files to that account. To change ownership of the BEA Tuxedo software on a UNIX machine, enter the following command:

chown adm_account full_path_of_tux_8.0_prod_dir

Replace adm_account with the BEA Tuxedo administrator account, and replace full_path_of_tux_8.0_prod_dir with the full pathname of the product directory in which you installed the BEA Tuxedo software.


Understanding the BEA Tuxedo Shortcuts on a Windows System

When installing the BEA Tuxedo 8.0 software on a Windows system, the installer program automatically uses BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform as the parent folder for BEA Tuxedo 8.0. As additional BEA Home directories are added to the system, the installer program continues to create new BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folders using the convention shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-1 Tracking Multiple BEA Home Directories on the Same Windows System


Each BEA Home directory has an associated BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder. Each BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder has an associated Tuxedo 8.0 folder (see note) and two files: BEAHOMEx Location and View History. The numbers associated with BEAHOME are sequential starting at 2; no number appears if only one BEA Home directory is created on a Windows system.

Note: Because a BEA Home directory may be the home directory for a BEA Tuxedo 8.0 installation, a BEA WebLogic Server 6.0 installation, or both, a BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder may contain a Tuxedo 8.0 folder, a WebLogic Server 6.0 folder, or both.

For a given BEA Home directory and BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder, the BEAHOME file contains the pathname of the BEA Home directory, and the View History file contains a history of installation and uninstallation for the BEA Home directory. To display the content of either file, double-click the text icon associated with the appropriate file. The BEAHOME and history files contain information extracted from the logs/log.txt file located in the BEA Home directory.

The Tuxedo 8.0 folder (Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>Tuxedo 8.0) contains the following shortcuts:


Understanding the BEA Administration Program on a Windows System

In addition to the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console, the BEA Tuxedo 8.0 software for Windows provides a BEA Administration program and two Windows services (Tlisten and BEA procMGR) for configuring the BEA Tuxedo system on a Windows 2000 system. These tools are installed on a Windows 2000 system, however, only if the installation included BEA Tuxedo server components.

After you have installed or upgraded the BEA Tuxedo software on a Windows 2000 system, you can use the BEA Administration window to perform the following tasks:

To access the BEA Administration program, choose Start—>Settings—>Control Panel to launch the Control Panel.


Then double-click the BEA Administration icon to launch the BEA Administration window.

Figure 2-2 BEA Administration Window with Machines Page Displayed


Accessing Other Machines on the Network

The Machines page enables you, as the BEA Tuxedo system administrator, to access any machine (on which you have login privileges) on the Microsoft Windows Network running Microsoft Windows 2000. You can then perform the following tasks: set environment variables remotely; determine the location of BEA Tuxedo event logging; add, remove, stop, or start tlisten services; and tune IPC resources.

To access a remote machine, locate and click the machine's icon on the network tree. If you know a machine's name but not its work group, click Select at the bottom of the Machines page to launch the Enter Machine Name dialog box. Enter the name of the remote machine and click OK. All subsequent actions on other folders in the BEA Administration window will take place on the selected machine.

Setting and Modifying Environment Variables

The Environment page enables you to view, set, or modify BEA Tuxedo environment variables on your Windows 2000 system.

Figure 2-3 BEA Administration Window with Environment Page Displayed


Because the BEA Tuxedo installer program does not set or update the system environment during the installation of BEA Tuxedo Release 8.0, no BEA Tuxedo related environment variables initially appear on the Environment page. To find out which environment variables must be set for BEA Tuxedo, see Setting Up Your Environment.

To add, modify, or delete environment variables using the Environment page, follow these steps:

  1. To add a variable, enter its name in the Variable field and its value in the Value field, and then click Set.

  2. To modify a variable, select the variable, enter its new value in the Value field, and then click Set.

  3. To delete a variable, select the variable you want to delete and then click Delete.

  4. Click OK or Apply to write your changes to the Windows 2000 Registry.

Directing System Messages to the Windows 2000 Event Log

The Logging page enables you to direct BEA Tuxedo system messages to the Event Log on your Windows 2000 system.

Figure 2-4 BEA Administration Window with Logging Page Displayed


You may select the Event Log option, the traditional user log Disk File option, or both. If you want traditional user log (ULOG) messages, select the directory into which ULOG messages will be written, as well as the prefix for the filename. The default prefix is ULOG, and the default filename is ULOG.mmddyy, where mmddyy represents the month, day, and year in which the log file was created.

To save your selections to the Windows 2000 Registry, click OK or Apply. To view Event Log entries, click Start—>Programs—>Administrative Tools—>Event Viewer.

Configuring tlisten Processes to Start Automatically

The Listener page enables you to view, create, or modify Tlisten services on your Windows 2000 system.

Figure 2-5 BEA Administration Window with Listener Page Displayed


During the BEA Tuxedo installation, the installer program installed a Tlisten service on your Windows 2000 system. Each time you boot your system, the Tlisten service starts a tlisten process on port 3050 of your machine. The password associated with the tlisten process is the one you entered during the installation.

A tlisten process must be started on each machine of a networked BEA Tuxedo application before the BEA Tuxedo system and application servers can boot. You use the tlisten process to perform administrative actions across multiple machines. To learn more about tlisten processes, see Starting the tlisten Process.

To add, remove, stop, or start Tlisten services using the Listener page, follow these steps:

  1. To add a Tlisten service, enter a port number in the Port Number field and then click Add. (Generally, you need one tlisten process for each BEA Tuxedo application running on your machine.)

  2. To remove a Tlisten service, select the Tlisten service you want to delete and then click Remove.

  3. To stop a Tlisten service that has been started, select the Tlisten service you want to stop and then click Stop.

  4. To start a Tlisten service that has been stopped, select the Tlisten service you want to start and then click Start.

  5. Click OK or Apply to write your changes to the Windows 2000 Registry.

In addition to viewing and controlling Tlisten services using the Listener page, you can click Start—>Programs—>Administrative Tools—>Services to launch the Services window and then view and control Tlisten services via the Services window.

Configuring IPC Resources to Maximize System Performance

The IPC Resources page enables you to configure the interprocess communication (IPC) resources on your Windows 2000 system to maximize BEA Tuxedo performance.

Figure 2-6 BEA Administration Window with IPC Resources Page Displayed


During the BEA Tuxedo installation, the installer program installed a BEA ProcMGR service on your Windows 2000 system. Each time you boot your system, the BEA ProcMGR service configures the IPC resources on your machine to whatever values you set on the IPC Resources page. The values shown in the preceding display are the default IPC values set by the installer program.

On most machines, BEA ProcMGR runs as installed. You have the option, however, of tuning the IPC resources and maximizing performance by using the IPC Resources page. To determine the minimum IPC resource values required for a BEA Tuxedo application, see Checking IPC Requirements and the following table. The following table maps the names of the IPC resources on a Windows 2000 system to the names that are traditionally used on a UNIX system.

Table 2-1 IPC Resource Name Mappings Between Windows and UNIX Systems

Windows 2000 Name

Traditional UNIX Name

Maximum Allowed Message Size


Maximum Number of Message Headers

No matching name

Maximum Message Queue Size


Maximum Number of Message Queues


Size of Message Segment


Number of Message Segments


Maximum Number of Processes Using IPC


Maximum Number of Semaphores


Maximum Number of Semaphore Sets


Maximum Number of Semaphore Undo Structures


Maximum Number of Processes Per Shared Segment


Number of Shared Memory Segments



To modify IPC Resource values using the IPC Resources page, follow these steps:

  1. In the Current Resource: Default box, click the Use Default IPC Settings check box to clear it. An insert box appears in the Current Resource: Default box.

  2. Click the insert box, enter the name of your Windows 2000 machine, and press Enter.

  3. Click the fields next to the IPC resources you want to change and enter the desired values.

  4. Click OK or Apply to write your changes to the Windows 2000 Registry.

  5. Stop and restart the BEA ProcMGR service to put your changes into effect: click Start—>Programs—>Administrative Tools—>Services to launch the Services window and then stop and restart the BEA ProcMGR via the Services window.

You can view the performance of a running BEA Tuxedo application on the Windows 2000 Performance Monitor. Choose Start—>Programs—>Administration Tools—>Performance Monitor to launch the Performance Monitor window.


Reviewing the Windows 2000 Registry Content

The Windows 2000 Registry is the repository for all hardware, software, and application configuration settings for the Windows 2000 system. During the BEA Tuxedo installation, the installer program writes general installation information as well as IPC Resource values to the Registry. The structure of the Registry relevant to BEA Tuxedo is as follows.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\BEA Systems\Tuxedo\8.0\...

To view this structure, choose Start—>Run to launch the Run dialog box, enter regEdt32, and click OK to launch the Registry Editor window.

Developer Key

The Developer key stores product information, including the major and minor version numbers of the release, and user and company names.

Environment Key

The Environment key stores the locations referenced by the BEA Tuxedo environment variables set on your Windows 2000 system. It also stores other values, such as IPC resource settings.

Security Key

The Security key holds the access permissions for BEA Tuxedo processes and services. The following permissions are mandatory:

We recommend full control permissions for the administrator.


What Do I Do Next?

To configure your BEA Tuxedo software and verify that your software is installed correctly, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.


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