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Command-Line Options

This Help topic describes the command-line version of the Application Builder.

The BEAAppBuilder command is a command-line version of the Application Builder. The command is used in a makefile, in batch command files, or interactively from the command line. Before using this command, make sure the ISL parameter in the UBBCONFIG is set to the host and port of your server computer.


BEAAppBuilder -v toAdpaterPath, sourcePath [,sourcePath...], -i directorypath, -t directorypath, -o directorypath



Creates ActiveX bindings for the CORBA interface.


Specifies the adapter to be used to create the bindings. For this release of the Application Builder, the toAdapterPath path is OLEAutomation.


Specifies one or more CORBA interfaces for which bindings are to be created. You can also specify a module.

-i directorypath

Specifies the directory location for the C++ header files generated from the command. The default location is \tuxdir\Include. If you do not specify this option, the Application Builder uses the last defined values.

-t directorypath

Specifies the directory location for the type libraries generated from this command. The default location is \tuxdir\TypeLibraries. If you do not specify this option, the Application Builder uses the last defined values.

-o directorypath

Specifies the directory location for the MIDL/ODL files generated from this command. The default location is \tuxdir\TypeLibraries. If you do not specify this option, the Application Builder uses the last defined values.


The following command creates ActiveX bindings for the Registrar and RegistrarFactory interfaces:

BEAAppBuilder -v OLEAutomation, Registrar, RegistarFactory, -i c:\tuxdir\Include, -t c:\tuxdir\TypeLibraries


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