
CORBA ActiveX Online Help

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What Is ActiveX?

Views and Bindings

How It Works

Naming Conventions for ActiveX Views


Interface Repository


Environmental Objects

Bootstrap Object

Factories and the FactoryFinder Object

Naming Conventions and BEA Tuxedo Extensions to the FactoryFinder Object

SecurityCurrent Object

TransactionCurrent Object

InterfaceRepository Object

Creating ActiveX Client Applications

Summary of the Development Process for ActiveX Client Applications

The BEA Application Builder

Step 1: Loading the Automation Environmental Objects into the Interface Repository

Step 2: Loading the CORBA Interfaces into the Interface Repository

Step 3: Starting the Interface Repository Server Application

Step 4: Creating ActiveX Bindings for the CORBA Interfaces

Step 5: Loading the Type Library for the ActiveX Bindings

Step 6: Writing the ActiveX Client Application

Including Declarations for the Automation Environmental Objects, Factories, and ActiveX Views of CORBA Objects

Establishing Communication with the BEA Tuxedo Domain

Obtaining References to the FactoryFinder Object

Using a Factory to Get an ActiveX View

Invoking Operations on the ActiveX View

Creating an Automation Server for Callbacks

Creating Instances of the COM Objects

Step 7: Deploying the ActiveX Client Application

Application Builder Main Window

Application Builder Main Window

Services Window

Workstation Views Window

Application Builder Objects

Menu Options

File Menu Options

Edit Menu Options

View Menu Options

Tools Menu Options

Window Menu Options

Help Menu Options

Toolbar Buttons


Loading CORBA Interfaces into the Interface Repository

Starting Application Builder

Creating ActiveX Bindings for CORBA Interfaces

Changing the Settings for Creating ActiveX Bindings for CORBA Interfaces

Creating Deployment Packages

Changing the Directory Location for Deployment Packages

Changing the Default Directory Locations

Filtering Objects Displayed in the Main Window

Displaying Properties

Using Security

Overview of BEA Tuxedo Security

Summary of the Development Process for Security

Step 1: Using the Bootstrap Object to Obtain the SecurityCurrent Object

Step 2: Getting the PrincipalAuthenticator Object from the SecurityCurrent Object

Step 3: Obtaining the Authentication Level

Step 4: Logging On to the BEA Tuxedo Domain with Proper Authentication

Step 5: Logging Off the BEA Tuxedo Domain

Using Transactions

Overview of Transactions

Summary of the Development Process for Transactions

Step 1: Using the Bootstrap Object to Obtain the TransactionCurrent Object

Step 2: Using the TransactionCurrent Methods

Command-Line Options


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