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Using Transactions

This Help topic describes how to use transactions in ActiveX client applications for the BEA Tuxedo CORBA.

For an overview of the TransactionCurrent object, see Chapter  1, "Overview."


Overview of Transactions

Client applications use transaction processing to ensure that data remains correct, consistent, and persistent. The transactions in BEA Tuxedo CORBA allow client applications to begin and terminate transactions and to get the status of transactions. The BEA Tuxedo software uses transactions as defined in the CORBAservices Object Transaction Service, with extensions for ease of use.

Transactions are defined on interfaces. The application designer decides which interfaces within a BEA Tuxedo client/server application will handle transactions. Transaction policies are defined in the Implementation Configuration File (ICF) for C++ server applications. Generally, the ICF file or the Server Description file for the available interfaces is provided to the client programmer by the application designer.


Summary of the Development Process for Transactions

The steps for adding transactions to a client application are as follows:




Use the Bootstrap object to obtain a reference to the TransactionCurrent object in the specified BEA Tuxedo domain.


Use the methods of the TransactionCurrent object to include the interface of a CORBA object in a transaction operation.


The following sections describe these steps and use portions of the client applications in the Transactions University sample application to illustrate the steps. For information about the Transactions University sample application, see the Guide to the CORBA University Sample Applications in the BEA Tuxedo online documentation. The Transactions University sample application is located in the following directory on the BEA Tuxedo software kit:



Step 1: Using the Bootstrap Object to Obtain the TransactionCurrent Object

Use the Bootstrap object to obtain an object reference to the TransactionCurrent object for the specified BEA Tuxedo domain. For a complete description of the TransactionCurrent object, see the CORBA Programming Reference in the BEA Tuxedo online documentation.

The following Visual Basic example illustrates how the Bootstrap object is used to return the TransactionCurrent object:

Set objTransactionCurrent =


Step 2: Using the TransactionCurrent Methods

The TransactionCurrent object has methods that allow a client application to manage transactions. These methods can be used to begin and end transactions and to obtain information about the current transaction. The TransactionCurrent object provides the following methods:

A basic transaction works in the following way:

  1. A client application begins a transaction using the Tobj::TransactionCurrent::begin() method. This method does not return a value.

  2. The operations on the CORBA interface execute within the scope of a transaction. If a call to any of these operations raises an exception (either explicitly or as a result of a communications failure), the exception can be caught and the transaction can be rolled back.

  3. Use the Tobj::TransactionCurrent:commit() method to commit the current transaction. This method ends the transaction and starts the processing of the operation. The transaction is committed only if all of the participants in the transaction agree to commit.

    The association between the transaction and the client application ends when the client application calls the Tobj::TransactionCurrent:commit() method or the Tobj::TransactionCurrent:rollback() method.The following Visual Basic example illustrates using a transaction to encapsulate the operation of a student registering for a class:

' Begin the transaction
' Try to register for courses
NotRegisteredList = objRegistrar.register_for_courses(mStudentID,
CourseList, exception)
If exception.EX_majorCode = NO_EXCEPTION then
' Request succeeded, commit the transaction
Dim report_heuristics As Boolean
report_heuristics = True
objTransactionCurrent.commit report_heuristics
' Request failed, Roll back the transaction
MsgBox "Transaction Rolled Back"
End If


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