bea Systems, Inc.

Class BusinessPolicyExample


public class BusinessPolicyExample
extends java.lang.Object

This example demonstrates the concept of "Pluggable Methods", better known as policies. When you create your components, you will realize that many times you want to alter the component behaviour based on external conditions that you can not evaluate at development time. Reusability, extensibility and rapid development and enhancement are typical problems that can be solved using policies. BusinessPolicy is Theory Center's implementation of the Policy and Strategy design patterns. Using this concepts allows you to replace the default policy at runtime. The policy is stored as a property for the item. In this example we will use an item component. The item component has a default pricing policy. The item's price can be calculated in two ways: By supplying only a quantity, you can have the price be calculated based on the default policy; By supplying a pricing policy in addition to a quantity, the item's price can be calculated using the new pricing policy. You can replace the pricing policy to alter the way the price is calculated for the item. This means that you can modify the behaviour of the item by plugging in a method that calculates the price the way you want. The example creates an item. It Then, sets the SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy as the default pricing policy for the item. Then, the item's price is calculated using the default policy. Finally,it modifies the item quantity and once again, calculates the price; this time using the AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy policy. To better understand this example it would be great if you go through the Axiom example first

Copyright (c)1997-1999 by The Theory Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
AxiomExample, Item, ItemPriceCalculationPolicy, BusinessPolicy, AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy, SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy, Quantity, Price

Field Summary
static java.lang.String HOME_NAME
Constructor Summary
          BusinessPolicyExample default constructor.
Method Summary
 void displayItemDetails(Item item)
          Displays the description and price of an item.
 void exitExample(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception e)
          Display the message and the exception and terminate the the program
 Customer findOrCreateCustomer(java.lang.String customerKey)
          Finds or Creates a customer with the given customerKey.
 Item findOrCreateItem(java.lang.String identifier, java.lang.String supplier, java.lang.String version)
          Obtains the item home from JNDI, it searches for an item with the given primary key.
 javax.naming.Context getInitialContext()
          Gets an initial context for the current user, password and url.
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
          The main method of the Business Policy example.
 boolean run()
          This method is the sequence of the example: 1.- Find or create a new Item with the given primary key 2.- Create an quantity belonging 3.- Create a new SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy 4.- Calculate the price using the above quantity and policy 5.- Change the count in the quantity 6.- Create a new AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy 7.- Calculate the price using the new quantity and policy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String HOME_NAME
Constructor Detail


public BusinessPolicyExample()
BusinessPolicyExample default constructor.
Method Detail


public void displayItemDetails(Item item)
Displays the description and price of an item. This method also illustrates the use of the Price component
item - The item that you want to display
See Also:


public void exitExample(java.lang.String message,
                        java.lang.Exception e)
Display the message and the exception and terminate the the program
message - The message to display upon termination
e - The exception thrown or null if no exception was thrown


public Customer findOrCreateCustomer(java.lang.String customerKey)
Finds or Creates a customer with the given customerKey.
customerKey - the key for the customer
the customer's entity bean


public Item findOrCreateItem(java.lang.String identifier,
                             java.lang.String supplier,
                             java.lang.String version)
Obtains the item home from JNDI, it searches for an item with the given primary key. If the item is found it is returned, otherwise a new item with the given primary key is created and returned.
identifier - A unique identifier for the item (SKU)
supplier - The item supplier
version - The catalog version of this item
The item with the given primary key


public javax.naming.Context getInitialContext()
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Gets an initial context for the current user, password and url.
java.lang.Exception - if there is an error in getting the Context


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
The main method of the Business Policy example. It instantiates and runs a new BusinessPolicy Example
argv - The command line arguments


public boolean run()
This method is the sequence of the example: 1.- Find or create a new Item with the given primary key 2.- Create an quantity belonging 3.- Create a new SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy 4.- Calculate the price using the above quantity and policy 5.- Change the count in the quantity 6.- Create a new AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy 7.- Calculate the price using the new quantity and policy
See Also:
AprilFoolsDiscountPolicy, SeniorCitizenDiscountPolicy, Quantity

bea Systems, Inc.

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