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Results - An Enhanced Web Site


This topic includes the following sections:

Overview of Results

Having finished deploying the My BuyBeans site solution, it is now time to see the results of your hard work. Fortunately for you and your team, everything goes off without a hitch. The site is a success and Beans & Co. makes millions selling beanie hats. As a result, you and your team are heralded as miracle workers and given huge raises. Sitting at your desk (wearing a beanie hat, of course) you think to yourself:

Thank goodness for BEA WebLogic Components. Without them, I'm not sure this would have been possible.

The End.

Prerequisites for Running the Web Site

In order to fully understand this section of the tour, you must have successfully completed all steps of the Deploy section of the tour.

Directions for Viewing the Web Site

Step 1. Start the My WebLogic Application Server.

Step 2. Browse the site and check out Beans & Co. newest offering: the beanie hat!

  1. Click here to visit the site.

  2. In the search portlet, type red in the text box and click the Go image.

  3. Several red beanie hat selections should appear. Click on one of them.

  4. Check out how your beanie hat presentation logic looks. Also, check out the price of the beanie hat. It should be in accordance with the customized pricing policy that you implemented. Cool, eh?