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Deploying WebLogic Components Using Bean-Managed Persistence


This topic includes the following sections:

Using Bean-Managed Persistence

You can deploy the WebLogic Components examples using Bean-Managed Persistence.

It is now possible to map WebLogic Components to any database available through JDBC. BEA provides a reference implementation (deployment set) for bean-managed persistence. This is available as a deployment options in the WebLogic Components release. For more technical background, read about Deploying WebLogic Components with Enterprise Data Sources.

Here, we describe how to deploy the WebLogic Components software in the following environments:

The example Oracle deployment set allows you to map the My components to Oracle 8.0.5.

BEA's Smart Generator has basic object/relational mapping features that generate up to 100% of the mapping from beans to a relational model using serialization. For complex databases the generated code serves as a starting point for reliable and scalable Bean-Managed Persistence that you can modify and fine-tune.

Note: For specific directions on deploying the My example portal on Oracle, see the Installation Guide.

The Oracle Reference Implementations

The Oracle reference implementation uses Oracle's object-relational features including database object types and nested tables. WebLogic Components are stored with a maximum transparency. You can query on every field in the example BuyBeans object model. This reference implementation is made available to help gauge the effort and complexity of more-detailed object-relational persistence.

If you have any comments, questions, or need help with a WebLogic-Oracle 805 deployment, please contact

Additional Requirements

Deployment Sets Overview

Deployment Sets give you the freedom to develop your business application independently from the application server or database vendors.

This separates business logic from the development environment and gives you the freedom to choose to develop in one environment and deploy in another. Each Deployment Set pertains to a particular combination of an application server and database.

There is a deployment set available for each of BEA's certified implementations on an application server and database. Deployment sets are available for:

The following table illustrates the matrix of servers and databases.

Table 4-1 Servers and Databases


Application Servers







Oracle 8.0.5


under development

Deploying on Windows NT

This reference example assumes you have installed the WebLogic Components CD or the download under c:\weblogicac .

  1. Edit c:\weblogicac\bin\win32\sethome.bat

  2. Create the BuyBeans schema in your Oracle 8.0.5 or higher database.

  3. Change the file.

  4. Replace the @WEBLOGICAC_HOME@ marker with c:\weblogicac (assuming you installed in c:\weblogicac ).

  5. Edit the file c:\weblogicac\ .

  6. Start the WebLogic server using c:\weblogicac\StartPortal.bat .

  7. Verify the following in the server log:

  8. Load the database

  9. Start your web browser. Enter the url with the name and port of the machine where you deployed the WebLogic server. You will have to register a new user with username "cool" and password "bean".

  10. You are now using BEA's Bean-Managed Persistence!

Deploying on Solaris

This example assumes you have installed the WebLogic Components download into /weblogicac .

  1. Edit /weblogicac/bin/solaris2/

  2. Create the BuyBeans schema in your Oracle 8.0.5 or higher database.

  3. Change the file.

  4. Edit the file /weblogicac/ .

  5. Start the WebLogic server using /weblogicac/ .

  6. Verify the following in the server log:

  7. Load the database

  8. Start your web browser. Enter the url with the name and port of the machine where you deployed the WebLogic server. You will have to register a new user with username "cool" and password "bean".

  9. You are now using BEA's Bean-Managed Persistence!