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Using WebLogic Components


These documents are designed to provide several ways to become familiar with BEA WebLogic Components and to start developing solutions quickly.

· To understand what WebLogic Components are, go through the Overview section.

· To see WebLogic Components in action, read about the My BuyBeans scenario and run the example Portal.

· To plan your ecommerce project using our Components, follow examples with source code in the "Developing Applications" section.

· To plan a deployment under Oracle go to the Deployment section.

To start learning about customizing BEA Components, switch to the Technical Tour section of this documentation.


Overview of WebLogic Components

eCommerce Component Packages

Customer and Session

ShoppingAdvisor and Items

Order Fulfillment

Features of eCommerce Components

Specifications for eCommerce Components


My Example

Beans & Co. Scenario

The Company

The Opportunity

The Project

The Solution

Get Started!

My Architecture

About the My Database

Introduction to the Hands-On Technical Tour


Developing Applications with WebLogic Components

Typical Development Approach

Component Examples

Foundation and Axiom

Package examples.axiom


Belongings and EJBs

The Abstract Factory Pattern

Remote Iterators

Axiom Example


Package examples.workflow Description


Workflow Example


Package examples.businesspolicy

Package examples.businesspolicy Description

ItemPriceCalculationPolicy and BusinessPolicy

BusinessPolicy Example


Package examples.extending

Package examples.extending Description

AlphaNumericSequencerExtension Component


Package examples.passbyvalue

Package examples.passbyvalue Description

Getting and Setting Attributes Using pass-by-value

Pass By Value Example

More Information


Deploying WebLogic Components Using Bean-Managed Persistence

Using Bean-Managed Persistence

The Oracle Reference Implementations

Additional Requirements

Deployment Sets Overview

Deploying on Windows NT

Deploying on Solaris




EJB Documentation

White Papers


Component Catalog