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Overview of WebLogic Components


This topic includes the following sections:

eCommerce Component Packages

BEA's WebLogic Components are software building blocks for eBusiness. This family of Enterprise Java Beans helps you bring new business services to your customers quickly and easily, while allowing you to focus precious resources on your unique competitive requirements.

Using novel design patterns, we have modeled, designed, built, and tested our reusable server-side components to work seamlessly in conjunction with your commercial EJB application server.This overview describes these components and how they interact to create a Web presence. You can also refer to the complete component catalog (list only) or the complete API.

Customer and Session

The most basic entities for any business are customers and the products sold to them. The Customer is an extension of the Axiom.Person. It provides the ability to store contact, profile, and billing information for your customers. The Session components are used to manage the process of allowing customers to access the system as guests and then to register when they are ready to make a purchase. They also bind customers to the orders that they build.

ShoppingAdvisor and Items

The Item is the interface to the products that you are selling. It stores basic product identification and description, and provides a mechanism for pricing, including runtime pluggable pricing policies. The pricing mechanism is designed to allow you to take into account a specific customer's profile. This allows the application of special merchandising discounts and incentives. The ShoppingAdvisor is the means by which you organize your products and make them searchable. Its additional features include learning about customer preferences over time and recommending products based on the resulting profile.

Order Fulfillment

The Order acts both as a shopping cart and the basis for order fulfillment. It is the mechanism by which a customer keeps track of items that they want to purchase. The list is manipulated through business methods so that overloading can enforce the business rules associated with building an order. There is also an order cost calculation method that can be used to take into account discounts across multiple individual orders.

When an order is completed it is bound to a PackingList so that shipping cost can be calculated. The next step is the creation of an Invoice, so that the order can be billed. Finally, the Inventory is updated.

The TroubleTicket components provide customer service issue tracking. These components provide you the ability to accept and track issues submitted by your customers.

Features of eCommerce Components

Specifications for eCommerce Components