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Working with C-Enablers


The following sections explain how to start and monitor the C-Enabler Administration Console:


Starting the C-Enabler Administration Console

To start the C-Enabler Administration Console, open a Web browser and go to http://host:port/WLCEnablerAdmin. In this URL, host:port specifies the location of the WebLogic Server that is hosting the c-enabler.

Logging On to the C-Enabler Administration Console

When you start the C-Enabler Administration Console, you get a logon screen.

Figure 3-1 C-Enabler Administration Console Logon Screen

  1. Before you can do any c-enabler administration tasks, you must log on to the system.

    The following table explains the fields available on the Logon window in which you must enter information.

    Table 3-1 Logon Fields



    User Name

    Enter your user name as defined in the security section of the WebLogic Server file.

    User Password

    Enter your user password.

  2. When you have filled in the fields, click Submit to log on (or Reset to start over).

    Submit checks your user credentials against the current WebLogic Server realm and if the user is valid, a check is made on what administration facility (configuration and/or monitoring) the user is allowed access to.

    If you are denied access, the same screen is displayed and a message informs you that access is denied.

    If you are allowed access, then a similar screen is displayed without the login fields, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-2 C-Enabler Administration Console Starting Screen after Login

After you are logged in, you can do any of the following:

Logging Off the C-Enabler Administration Console

To log off from the C-Enabler Administration Console, click on Logoff in the left navigation bar.


Monitoring Active C-Enablers

From the Enablers monitoring tab you can view information on active c-enablers, start new c-enablers, and shut down currently active c-enablers. These tasks are described in the following sections:

Viewing Active C-Enablers

To view active c-enablers, click the Enablers tab.

This shows all the active c-enablers that are running off of the same WebLogic Server (WLS) instance. Each row in the table on the Enablers screen represents an active c-enabler—for each one, the enabler name and runtime statistics are shown.

For example, in the following figure there are two active c-enablers (Partner1 and Partner2).

Figure 3-3 Monitoring Active Enablers

The following table explains the information reported on the active Enablers monitoring screen.

Table 3-2 Active Enabler Fields



Enabler Name

Name of the active c-enabler.

Active Since

Date and time the c-enabler was last activated.

Total Sessions

Total number of sessions started by the c-enabler since the c-enabler was activated. (This includes any sessions started by this c-enabler that have ended, in addition to all active sessions.)

Active Sessions

Number of active sessions for the c-enabler. You can click on the value in this field to view the active sessions for this c-enabler. For example, you can click on the value in the Active Sessions field for Partner 2 to view the active sessions for Partner 2. (See Monitoring Active Sessions for a Single C-Enabler.)

Total Conversations

Total number of conversations in which this c-enabler has participated.

Active Conversations

Number of conversations in which this c-enabler is currently participating. You can click on the value in this field to view the active conversations for this c-enabler. For example, you can click on the value in the Active Conversations field for Partner 2 to view the active conversations for Partner 2. (See Monitoring Active Conversations for a Single C-Enabler.)

Messages Published

Total number of messages this c-enabler has published.

Messages Received

Total number of messages this c-enabler has received.

Shut Down

A checkmark in this box indicates this c-enabler is selected for shutdown. To shut down active c-enablers, select Shut Down checkboxes for all c-enablers you want to shut down, then click the Shutdown button. (For more information, see Shutting Down an Active C-Enabler.)

Keep Subscriptions

Not supported for this release.

Starting a New C-Enabler

To start a new c-enabler:

  1. Make sure you are on the Enablers monitoring tab.

  2. Click the Start a New Enabler button.

    This brings up a screen where you can point to a c-enabler configuration file that you want read in to the C-Enabler Administration Console.

    Figure 3-4 Reading in a New C-Enabler Configuration File

  3. Click on the Browse button to bring up a file browser. Use the file browser to navigate to and select the configuration file for the c-enabler you want to start up and monitor. When you have selected the appropriate configuration file in the file browser, click Open on the file browser window. The pathname of the file you selected should now show up in the Enabler Configuration File field on the C-Enabler Administration Console.

  4. Click Read to read in the selected c-enabler configuration file and start the c-enabler.

    Once the c-enabler starts, the Enablers tab is displayed. The c-enabler you just started should be included now in the table of active c-enablers shown on this tab.

Shutting Down an Active C-Enabler

To shut down or stop a c-enabler that is currently running:

  1. Make sure you are on the Enablers monitoring tab.

  2. Click on the Shut Down box for the c-enabler you want to shut down so that a checkmark is displayed. (You can select more than one c-enabler to shut down.)

  3. Click the Shutdown button.

    A confirmation dialog is displayed that asks whether you want to end all active sessions and conversations for the selected c-enabler(s).

    Click OK to confirm and shut down the selected c-enabler(s), or click Cancel if you decide not to perform the shutdown.


Monitoring Active Sessions

From the Sessions monitoring tab you can view information on active sessions, start new sessions, and shut down currently active sessions. These tasks are described in the following sections:

Viewing Active Sessions

To view active sessions, click on the Sessions tab.

This shows all the active sessions for all active c-enablers. Each table on the Sessions screen represents the active sessions for an active c-enabler. If you have more than one c-enabler running, you will see an active sessions table for each enabler on the Sessions screen.

For example, in the following figure there are two active c-enablers (Partner 1 and Partner2). Partner 1 has no active sessions. Partner 2 has one active session.

Figure 3-5 Monitoring Active Sessions on the C-Enabler

The following table explains the information reported on the active Sessions monitoring screen.

Table 3-3 Active Sessions Fields



Session Name

Name of the active session.

Active Since

Date and time the session was last activated.

Active Conversations

Number of conversations in which this c-enabler is currently participating. You can click on the value in this field to view the active conversations for this session. For example, you can click on the value in the Active Conversations field for Session1 to view the active conversations for Session1. (See Monitoring Active Conversations for a Single Session in a C-Enabler.)

Conversation Initiated

Total number of conversations started by this session since this session was activated. (This includes any conversations initiated by this session that have ended in addition to all active conversations initiated by this session.)

Conversation Registrations

Total number of conversations this session has registered.

Messages Published

Total number of messages this session has published.

Messages Received

Total number of messages this session has received.

Shut Down

A checkmark in this box indicates this session is selected for shutdown. To shut down an active session, select Shut Down checkboxes for all sessions you want to shut down, then click the Shutdown button. (For more information, see Shutting Down an Active Session.)

Keep Subscriptions

Not supported for this release.

Starting a New Session

To start a new session:

  1. Make sure you are on the Sessions monitoring tab.

  2. Click on the Start New Sessions button.

    This brings up a screen where you can select the inactive sessions for all active enablers that you want to start.

    Figure 3-6 Starting Inactive Sessions

  3. Select the checkboxes for the inactive sessions you want to start.

  4. Click Submit.

    If the Submit operation is successful, the active Sessions main screen is re-displayed with the newly activated sessions showing.

Shutting Down an Active Session

To shut down or stop an active session:

  1. Make sure you are on the Sessions monitoring tab.

  2. Click on the Shut Down box for the session you want to shut down so that a checkmark is displayed. (You can select more than one session to shut down.)

  3. Click the Shutdown button.

    A confirmation dialog is displayed to ask if you want to end all active conversations for the selected session(s).

    Click OK to confirm and shut down the selected sessions, or click Cancel if you decide not to perform the shutdown.

Viewing Details for a Particular Session

To view the details for a session, click on the Sessions tab, then in the Session Name column click on the session you want to view. (You can also get to details on a session by clicking on a session wherever it appears on the other screens.) This brings up a detail screen on the selected session.

Figure 3-7 Viewing Details on a Particular Session

The following table explains the information reported on the details of a particular session.

Table 3-4 Details on a Session as Defined in the C-Enabler Configuration File



Session Name

Name of the session.


C-space (collaboration space) in which this session participates.

Proxy Host

Address of the proxy server used for the c-hub, if any. (Optional c-hub security setting.)

Proxy Port

Port number for the proxy server on the c-hub, if any. (Optional c-hub security setting.)


URL for the c-hub to which this c-enabler is connected.

C-Hub User

WebLogic Server user name under which the c-enabler will be running when processing messages received from the c-hub.

C-Hub Certificate Field Name

Type of certificate used on c-hub (email or fingerprint) for client-side security. (Optional c-hub security setting related to SSL, used for mapping trading partner certificates to WebLogic Server (WLS) users.)

C-Hub Certificate Value

Certificate value for client-side security. (Optional c-hub security setting related to SSL, used for mapping trading partner certificates to WLS users.)

C-Hub Server Certificate Field Name

Type of certificate used on c-hub (email or fingerprint) for server-side security. (Optional c-hub security setting related to SSL, used for mapping trading partner certificates to WLS users.)

C-Hub Server Certificate Value

Certificate value for server-side security. (Optional c-hub security setting related to SSL, used for mapping trading partner certificates to WebLogic Server (WLS) users.)

Enabler URL

URL of this c-enabler.

Trading Partner

Name of the trading partner this session represents. (A session is defined with either a trading partner, or a certificate location and private key location.)

Certificate Location

Location of the certificate for this c-enabler. (A session is defined with either a trading partner, or a certificate location and private key location.)

Private Key Location

Location of the private key for this c-enabler. (A session is defined with either a trading partner, or a certificate location and private key location.)


Monitoring Active Conversations

To view active conversations, click on the Conversations tab.

This shows all the active conversations for all active c-enablers. Each table on the Conversations screen represents the active conversations for an active c-enabler. If you have more than one c-enabler running, you will see an active conversations table for each c-enabler on the Conversations screen.

For example, in the following figure there is one active c-enabler (Partner1). Partner1 has one active conversation.

Figure 3-8 Monitoring Active Conversations on the C-Enabler

The following table explains the information reported on the active Conversations monitoring screen.

Table 3-5 Active Conversations Fields




Conversation ID of the active conversation.


Session in which this conversation is occurring.

Last Message Published

Date and time of the last message published in this conversation.

Last Message Received

Date and time of the last message received in this conversation.

Messages Published

Total number of messages this c-enabler has published for this conversation.

Messages Received

Total number of messages this c-enabler has received for this conversation.


Shows whether the session to which the conversation belongs started this conversation or not. (For example, if this field shows true, that means the session this conversation belongs to started the conversation.)



Monitoring Messages

To view messages, click on the Messages tab.

This shows all the messages for all active c-enablers.

Figure 3-9 Monitoring Messages on the C-Enabler

The following table explains the information reported on the Messages monitoring screen.

Table 3-6 Messages Fields



Message ID

Message ID generated by BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Conversation ID

Conversation ID of the active conversation.

Scheduled Deliveries

Number of destinations to which this message is scheduled to be delivered.

Successful Deliveries

Number of destinations this message has already reached.

Viewing Details for a Particular Message

To view the details for a message, click on the Messages tab, then in the Message ID column click on the message you want to view. This brings up a detail screen on the selected message.

Figure 3-10 Viewing Details for the Selected Message

The following table explains the information reported on the details of a particular message.

Table 3-7 Details on a Message




Locations to which the message has been sent.

Reached At


The possible results are:



You can jump from one screen to another by clicking on the values in particular fields to get detail on a c-enabler session or conversation. The following sections describe shortcuts for:

Monitoring Active Sessions for a Single C-Enabler

From the Enablers tab, you can click on the value in Active Sessions field to view the active sessions for this c-enabler. (For example, if you click on the value in the Active Sessions field for Partner 2, you get a view similar to the one shown in Figure 3-11.)

Figure 3-11 Active Sessions for a Single C-Enabler (Accessed by Shortcut from Active Sessions Field in the Enablers Tab)

Monitoring Active Conversations for a Single C-Enabler

From the Enablers tab, you can click on the value in Active Conversations field to view the active conversations for this c-enabler.

Figure 3-12 Active Conversations for a Single C-Enabler (Accessed by Shortcut from Active Conversations Field in the Enablers Tab)

Monitoring Active Conversations for a Single Session in a C-Enabler

From the Sessions tab, you can click on the value in the Active Conversations field to view the active conversations for the session.

Figure 3-13 Active Conversations for a Single Session in a C-Enabler (Accessed by Shortcut from Active Conversations Field in the Sessions Tab)